Going About Undoing or Redoing Actions within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 5)
flexiprint undoing redoing actions
Now when it comes to these two features, they are in my opinion some of the most used digital actions.
These features along with the save action has help transformed the digital world to what we know today.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Design Central.
Previous video covered Copy, Cut & Paste.
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Video Transcript
Alright guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at Flexi Print's main menu undo and redo features. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. co dot Z A. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise back in the programme here. So now, like I mentioned, we're gonna be looking at undo and redo and they'll be located here on our actual main toolbar. These little arrows showing undo and redo. Now we also have another one called undo multiple and redo. Multiple. Now this is handy, but we'll be covering them as well. Just another note. It's very important to under or to learn the shortcut keys, in my opinion. So we go on undo. You can see there it says control Z and if we go to redo it says control Y. Now, once again, this is quite universal throughout programmes, so if you learn it here, you'll be able to use it. In most programmes. You can also go to edit and then we've got a few different options here for the undo and redo and, um Yeah, so you can find it there and they shortcut keys. Otherwise, if we go back on the programme here, I'm just gonna use a basic example. Take a rectangle, make a shape here, and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy this, paste it next to it so we can see, like, a few of these. Yeah, we've got about five. Move them. Nice. So now what I can do now? Unfortunately, I did the move, so that's gonna see it also as a step. But now, if we had to click here on the undo, we can see it does the move. Then it's also removing one at a time. So then, uh, depending on how much cash and that is in the memory, that is how many times you can undo. So if you made a mistake earlier, you can re, uh, take it back to a previous step. Then we can go redo, and we bring those steps back and all the way to the move, which is quite handy now, the undo multiple on that. It's a similar concept, but we can actually jump it even further in steps, so I'm just gonna start something new here and then, um so we can see a a variation of steps. So I'm gonna make a shape change the colour, and I'm gonna make another shape here, change that colour. This shape, take it green like another shape. Now, obviously, if we add text and do actions like movements or anything like that, it's going to show it in the actual under history as well. Then make one last one over here. Here we go. Now, I've got a couple of shapes and we change the colours with all of them. So now if I had to go here to the actual undo multiple, let's do a zoom here, click that or pop us up to undo multiple steps. And as you can see here, we've got a little, uh, box with all the steps we took. So if I go down, let's do this so we can see it nicely. So we've got here set full rectangle, create rectangle, set fill. Is that the steps we took? So as I click, it will undo As we go down in the steps Let me see. We created one and then we change the colour and we can all the way, go back to those other ones we did so we can go back quite far and then I'm just gonna kick right on top, so that's one way you can do it. So let's say we go all the way to when we created our first step. So OK, now, if you like, OK, Shocks actually made a mistake on it back. Thing we wanna do is go to redo multiple. So once again, we're gonna select this one, and then we get that same box. But now we can do redo those moves so you can go all the way, or you can choose to a step that you were happy with. So it's handy, um, to, like, backtrack quite a bit. You can obviously just spam the actual undo button and just hit it multiple times over. But if you know exactly to which step you wanna go to, then that function can very easy, because you can just go read. Oh, yeah, it was when I add a text or cleared the text or something like that and jump there. So it's a handy feature like, uh, some programmes do have the multiple undo S, but it's not always that common, but it is a very handy one to have in a design programme. Yeah, otherwise, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. co dot Z a, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on top. Right? If you do not find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the me form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.