Secondary Toolbars Select Point Tool within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 6)
flexiprint select point tool
When it comes to working with vector points within shapes, the Select Point Tool will be used often.
The tool will enable you to edit and customize those vector shapes in order to have more control over the final design.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Contour Cut.
Previous video covered Shapes & Registration Marks.
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Video Transcript
Hey guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the Select Point tool with flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick introvert. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. We back into the programme here and now. When it comes to the select point tool, we'll be mostly using this with paths. So your busier curve or the freehand drawing tool. So I'm just gonna create a few shapes here so we can see the difference. Maybe a nice straight one draw a curve and then I'm just gonna do one completed shape. So we make a completed shape with a free hand draw tool. This is grade one. It's got a closed path. Here we go. So we've got these three shapes, So now we can look at the actual, um, select 0.2 so that will be on your secondary toolbar. If I hover over it, you'll see the shortcut for that is N. So if we complete NN a shortcut, we can switch to it quickly. And this is nice. If you have to jump between the selection or path tools and so forth to the actual curved, uh, select 0.2. So I'm going to first select the straight point. Then, um, we have these two points. Let's maybe just change the colour of visa paths. So I'm gonna do that and then make the body, maybe something on that line. OK, so with this one selected with our, uh, path tool, we've got these little points. Zoom in this, you can see a little bit better. So depending on how many points these parts have, you'll be able to see them. If I simply drag and drop over one. I've got that point selected. And in our control central panel, we can see the point selected one. Now, if I had to select in the middle of them, it will select the two points between where I've selected. So now you can see there it says, two points selected and then so forth so you can keep track of how many points is selected. If I want to move on, I could simply just drag over one hover. Some will give you, uh, this hand. This is to adjust the actual curve and you just go again and it gives you this little icon with a almost look like a star and, um, a bit hard to see on this, but in any case, you can click that and drag it around to a new location. If you need to edit it same way, you can just drag on that one. You can also use shift like normal, select and select another point, and then you have both selected so you can select multiple points or deselect certain points with shift. So like that it works very similar to the normal selection tool. Um, for on those things. Now, when you move these points, you can also keep shifting, and it will constrain it to like the horizontal. And, uh, I think it's about 45 degree angles. So if you wanted to do a bit more precise movements or constraint movements, rather, you can do that as well. You can also adjust these points on the design central, so if you want to fine tune it, you can go there just at the end. We can also change the type of curves we have. We'll go into more depth on that in another mini series. But for now, I'll just show you the basic operations of the actual select point tool. Now, if we had to select our second shape, which is, uh, this curve. And like I said, once again, if we click between these two shapes, it will automatically select these two points. So if I had to click here and drag around, you can see it moves these points for us now. We also have now these little red arms with controllers. So if I click that and move around, then we can actually start manipulating this path again. That's why I told you in some of the previous videos that don't worry, if you didn't place it 100% accurate, you can adjust it afterwards so you can also click on this side between these two points, and then we can have those same controller arms available so we can fine tune it to our arts content. Now, when it comes to close parts, it's pretty much the same thing. It's just there'll be way more points that you can use to manipulate. You can obviously select multiple ones together, move them around, refine them and then also change the type of points that there are. You get the three main points basically much like a sharp edge. You get one that works, Um, with one arm can be longer than the other one, and the other one is symmetrical. But like I said, we're going to more of that on how to use it, because it can be quite complicated at first until you get the hang of it. But yeah, so otherwise, that is it. On our select point tool, you'll mostly be using it. Like I said on curves. With the busier curve and the free end drawing, you'll select it. And then you can simply just head here to your select tool or press N and then adjust these points to refine your design. You can obviously select points and remove them by hitting delete. So if you want to alter the shape, you can do that quite, uh, easily going around and finding Maybe you wanna clean it up or have a more optimised shape. Yeah, otherwise, that is it on select point. If we in the meanwhile, head here to co dot Z A. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top. Right? If you do not find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request a training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.