FabriCAM Software CAD Basics Adding a Primitive Shape (Part 8) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam add primitive shape
Now when it comes to adding open and closed Shapes within the CAD feature, that can become rather complicated.
So before we dive into all the different building blocks that one can use, lets first look at just getting something on the “Canvas”.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers CAD Basics – Deleting a Shape.
Previous video covered CAD Basics – Undo and Redo.
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Video Transcript
are you guys in today's video? We're going to be looking at adding our first shape to the actual CAD feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Well, if we head into the programme here now, Yeah, in today's video, like I mentioned, we gonna be looking at our at adding our first shape. Now, this is not as straightforward as just in the base programme or in most other design programmes, because everything here is kind of, uh as mathematical equation to it because that is very important in cat and also a location placement. So in some programmes, just the shape size is important or it's dimensions, but the placement not that much, where in cat, the placement becomes quite important as well. So now what we're gonna do with our cat open already, So if you have not, you can just simply click on this big cat button. You will notice your secondary tool by changes and the info Beijing on the left disappears now, once we end this, we've got a lot of different settings to look at. But what I'm gonna do is just gonna first look at our basic primitive shapes. I'm not going to be covering all of them. I was gonna grab something easy, like a rectangle, And then So this will be this first one here, so I'm gonna click that, and then you can see we have a few options here. First of all, we've got origin, which is, um, from where this shape is going to be placed from the centre is the current or we've got the bottom lower left. I'm gonna keep it centre for now. So this shape, as you can see here on this little preview, um, it's gonna be orientated around the centre. So if you want to do rotations and stuff like that, it's gonna rotate around the centre and not around a bottom left corner. So that is very limited for placement and rotation. And under that, we've got your W h A. So the W will be the worst. We've got the height, and then we've got basically the form of rotation in the grease. So I'm gonna currently just leave the rotation alone. So I'm gonna go here and set the actual, uh, with the night. I'm gonna make it 500 make the 400 then we can say Okay, well, let me make a 505 100 mc square other say okay. And with most programmes, you'll be imagining you have a rectangle. Now, somewhere here, if you have to click here, you see, nothing happens. I can do selections, and we still don't have a rectangle. And this is where it normally gets frustrating at first because you're thinking Okay, cool. I got this. Understand? These tools Go ahead and nothing happens. And it feels like the whole feature might be broken. At least it's what could happen to me. So now what we wanna do is we wanna, uh, select a placement or positioning. Now, we have a few different types of positioning. So if we look here to the right of the primitive shapes, we have over a year, four different positioning options, So I'm gonna zoom in so we just see first one here is a single positioning. Then over a year, we've got our next one which is a linear or, uh what line? Oh, sorry. Not linear. And they misread properly. And then we've got the matrix, and then a circular. This is the base, uh, placements, you can get away, it's gonna place it onto the shape. I'm just gonna go single. So we actually, uh, just have a single origin. And then what you do then is click here on the, um what do you call it? Canvas. After you've done that, now it's gonna pop us up this option for the single, um, placement. Now, the most important option here is on the left. So this X and Y So this is where you want this shape to be placed on your actual canvas, so x zero will be furthest bottom left corner. And then you can, depending on where you go from there, so you can have custom placements. It becomes important later when you're adding shapes and sizes shapes. Then these settings become more important at base. You will, however, just keep this 00 or put a bottom left corner and then you can go from there. But something to keep in mind, however, is that this is relevant to your shapes, origin or the primitive. So remember, with this one with a rectangle, we left it in the centre. So if we had to say okay, then this would be the 00, not the bottom left. So that is something to keep in mind when you're working with it. So you, uh, rectangle was set to the bottom left, Then this will be zero, but a moment in the centre of it will be zero. But yeah, so, like that. As you can see, we've got our first shaping here. It's actually not that difficult. If you understand the positioning and, uh, yeah, then there's obviously some more advanced things we can do, but we'll be covering that in a later video. So just a quick recap. I know this video is a bit long so far, but what you wanna do is select your primitive shape. You wanna add said settings, and then do positioning Click on the one you want, set those settings and then click on the canvas. And, uh, I say, select the one you want. Click on the capital, give you settings. After you fill that in, it will add your shape to wherever you decided it should be. But yeah, otherwise, that is, it aren't placing your first shaping cad, but intimidating. But once you get the hang of it, you'll see it goes through the smooth, but otherwise, before we head on, if we go here to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward, just simply go here, request the training video, but in the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you, but otherwise thank you guys for watching and cheers.