Adding and Controlling the Under Base in the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 16)
flexiprint under base control
When it comes to the Under Base feature that ships with FlexiPRINT, it is a great way to control solidness of designs.
This video is part of a Mini-Series that looks at the different arrangement features.
Previous video covered Convert Strokes to Outlines.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys. In today's video, we're going to be looking at the under base feature found within flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. I've weighed into the programme here. So now when it comes to the underbase, um, best way to understand it is it's gonna basically create a solid primer under your current, uh, print. So now let's say you have some design, and what it does is it will make the same, uh, outline design or the same shape as your design. And it'll do a solid primer under that. Normally it's white, and that is kind of so that your print, um, displays properly because if you're printing, let's say, on a black shirt and your PRI, uh, you don't have a underbase, then some of your colours, like the white, might shine through some of the black, and then the design doesn't quite look as good as what it could. So then, with the under base, I'll pretty much just put a nice uh, solid. Full, you can say behind your design. And like I said, most of the time it's white, because on white, you know, all the colours show nicely when you print them. And then, um yeah, and so forth. So to do the actual underbase is pretty simple. I'm gonna create a shape tool. Just make a so a rectangle change of colour so that we can see it. And then I'm also gonna just under the stroke here, just, uh, remove our stroke completely. Let's clear it. There we go. So let's say this was our design, our logo or whatever. Now, depending on obviously how many layers in that you might have to change your workflow combine things and so forth. But this is just covering the basic of the actual feature. So now, in order to apply it, make sure your shape is selected. Then we want to go to our main menu and under the main menu we go to arrange. And then we're gonna navigate down till we find this one called Underbase. And if I go to the right, you can see it says, make underbase. If I click this, it will give us some options. So now under this drop down menu, we wanna go down and change this to underbase right at the bottom. Now, this will now convert the material into underbase. So most programmes should understand this. So then when you print it, it will know. OK, this is should be printed as a solid primer. And, um yeah, so then we we kind of have the underbase going like that and then once again, obviously, if you wanted to, uh, change this, you can always go back to a range same way we did before. So main menu, arrange underbase and then we have this option here called Release Underbase. Now this will convert it back to a normal shape. I would recommend I ever change the colour. If you've done that, just be aware that it is no longer under base. Otherwise, when it comes to actual printing, you might be a bit confused as to why the object is not reacting the way it should. So just a quick recap again obviously create. Have your shape selected, you go to arrange, you go to underbase and then you can say make underbase select from the drop down menu underbase and then say OK, and then you're good to go. But yeah, otherwise, that is it On the on the base feature. Obviously, you can go into way more depth with, um, with this feature, maybe not so much in flexy print. I mean, uh, yeah, but, um, some other programmes you'll definitely be able to Maybe if it's a vector or bit map, I mean, a vector versus bit map. It's gonna work slightly different because a bit map, you might have some transparent areas shining through and so forth, but yeah, otherwise, though in the meanwhile, if we head here to co dot Z a. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go, Yeah, request the training video, fill in the uniform, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just