Managing Designs with the Design Editor within SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 8)
flexiprint manage design editor
Now from the features located within the main Toolbar, the Design Editor is one of the more complex ones.
That being said we will make sure to cover it in depth you give you a better understanding of how it works.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Color Mixer.
Previous video covered Fill & Stroke Editor.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at Flexi Prints Design editor and this will be located under the main toolbar. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates We add into the programme here. So, like I mentioned today, we're gonna be looking at the design editor and there can be located here under the main tar zoom. Yeah, so now we're on the third icon. Yeah, so a little bit hard to read these icons, but this one, you can see it's got almost, like little paper layers. And, uh yeah, so that will be our design editor. And as you can see, the shortcut for that is E. If wordpress E, it will open that we can click here and then it will also open it. We can also go to view, and then we go here to design editor and they will also open this editor now, under this editor, we've got a few different options. So I'm just gonna zoom in here and we look at just a few of those. So first of all, we've got the two different tabs, So we've got our layers and objects. Now, if you use a traditional layer formatting from most design programmes, it can be slightly, uh, confusing. But, uh, I will try and make sense of it for you. So under our first one, our layers, we have all our main elements. This will be our guides, our layers, our grid, our substrate and, uh, trash. And then to the right of that, we have objects. And this will be everything within. You can basically say these layers. If I just make a quick example, I'm gonna Let's wanna keep that open for now. Move us to the side. I'm gonna make a shape. This may make a little circle, and then I'm gonna add a little rectangle as well. So we've got these two shapes. Maybe we can get three for now while I remove one. And then, uh, just add some test text here, scale this up a bit. Delete that one. Yeah, we've got three elements now under our actual design. Then I'm also gonna add some guides. Maybe I wanna round off this to where I want the main focus to be. There you go. So we've got some guides. We've got some texts, some shapes as well. Now, as you can see under our main layers area and the design editor, nothing has changed. Everything's still the same. However, if we had to go to the second tabs or objects, Now we can see here under our pages, we've got layer layer one, which on our layers here we can see that we have layer one. So if we had to change this name, maybe to layer four or three, then if we go to objects, we'll see. Now that layered name has changed as well. Under there, we can see we've got our text rectangle oval and these ones, you can all, um, in essence, uh, organise the way you want. That is a great thing about this type of, uh, layout. But for now, as you can see also, if we double click this Oh, there we go. I'm not sure why it's staying so long, but then we can also rename these things. Let's try that again. OK, Ok, so then under our layers, what we can do is, we have more options to the left of them. I do different things. So we've got the little eye that can hide and show things. So as you can see our guides, it disappears. It comes back then to the right of that we've got, whether it's printable or not, got whether it's edible or not, colorable. And then also, if it's part of our master layers, then we've got the colour coding and also their name. So over here you can also like I said, rename them, Obviously not all of them. But you can rename on top of that, we have some other options. We've got new, we've got the lead and duplicate, and this one will empty out trash. We will go through most of these things, but this as you if you want, you can just kind of view it as a nice place to manage and view your layers and objects. And then, um, like I said, we can go into more depth with this, but for now, we'll just leave it at that. So quick Recap. We've got our sign Editor where we can see our main layers. We can also see our objects within those layers. And we can use these to manage and organise and rename things to make it more, um, easy to understand and also do things like backups and so forth, but that we will cover in a whole another series where we're going into depth, about all these settings and how to use them. But yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, if we head here to co dot Z a, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, put in the mini form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers