Check your Text Spelling for Errors within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 4)
flexiprint check text spelling
Whenever you are working with Text in your designs, it is always a good idea to make sure everything is spelled correctly.
Now with the build in Check Spelling feature you no longer have to wonder if it is correct.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Letter Case.
Previous video covered Vertical Text.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys. In today's video in flexi print, we're gonna be looking at the spell checking feature that comes with a text tool. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we're into the programme here. So now, like I mentioned, we're gonna be looking at the spell check feature. This is very handy if you are working with text within your design, because there's a few things that is embarrassing as sending a client work and you have some spell errors in there. So, um, this obviously works with single words, but it can also work with big paragraphs. So if you're designing something with a lot of text, this is also handy. Now there's two main ways we can go about it. One is currently just working with the text we can see on screen. We can right click and correct things, and another way is we can go into the actual spell checkup feature. Then we have a few more options there that we can choose from Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna throw some texture. I'm gonna try misspell us. Let's go. This is our just, um um, text. Just gonna do that. So we have some spelling mistakes. Yeah, I was gonna go at soft. Where? Framing? Um, yeah, at Software General. I'm gonna leave it at that. Then you can see off the bat already. It tells us we have a few errors here. Now, what we can do is even if our selection tool, if we select the actual object, it's gonna show us where the error it's gonna unaligned it here with a red. I'm gonna like a red zigzag, As you can see there, it's, like most, uh, document programmes. So if you're familiar with that, just gonna upscale this a little bit so we can see it better for the sake of the video. Now, the easiest way to fix things. So I'm gonna go into my text tool. Then I'm gonna simply right click the areas I wanna fix so I can right click, and then you'll see from the list here. It gives us a few options. So it's got the suggestions of what I think it could be. So now, obviously, we're looking for this. It's right here on the list. I can simply click that and you'll see now that little red underline is gone. Now, if you wanted to, let's say you, uh, using a different language, perhaps then you can also go right Click and then you'll see we have the option here. Ignore Well, what something is gonna happen with designs as well as the client. For the sake of design. They spell it different because maybe that's how they registered the company, or it's a form of slogan. Then you might wanna go ignore or ignore all. But just make sure that it is all, uh, intentional, and right under that, we have another option. So if I let's say, create this, uh his is kind of like the way they say it. This is one word, so there's no spacing, and I use it often. Then I perhaps wanna make sure this keeps being ignored. Otherwise, every time I'll have to right click and say no. Then what I can do is I'll right click this one. Let me zoom in here and then you'll see here at the bottom of these options that says they add to use a dictionary. So now if I click that, it's gonna add it to our dictionary. So now every time I spell it this way, it will ignore it as if it is wrong and see it as part of our dictionary. That's one way we can do, go about it. Another way is if we go, we can either right click our text and then we go to the actual spell. Check spelling. You'll see there's an option here. All we can do is go to our main menu on top the text, and then we go to spell checking. And the shortcut for that is F seven. So if you press that on your keyboard, it will open the feature now. In the future, we have a few options. If I've opened this number, one on top is your language. So maybe you're working in a different language. This is a good place to change it. We also have the difference between UK English and US English. Depending on your location and your client base, you might want to change that. Then, under that, we've got misspelt words you can see it shows us here misspelt words one and then it is the OU as an option. Then on the right, where I have the are similar options to, uh, what we have when we write clicks, we've got change, change, all ignore, ignore all add and edit list. We'll go into more detail on the bottom here now, but let's just look at under this. So we've got our word selected, so I'm just gonna quickly cancel here and misspell this first one again where this and then right click and we go here to spell checking. Now we can see here, we've got both those words. So depending on the one you select the bottom here, it will update its options. So I'm gonna start with this. Then we're gonna go to the bottom, find the right one, and then you'll see here change two, and it's gonna show us what it's gonna change it to. So we know we've got the right one selected. Then we can say change on the top right here. And then you'll see. Now it is remove that one from our list and only one left, and we're gonna make sure that one is selected. Click on our click change and there we go. Spell check is complete. Close spell check. I'm just gonna say no for now. So now all our words is correct. But now what we can do is we can go here to edit list. Let's say we added that but there was a mistake, maybe a spelling wrong. And I wanna add rather something else with the dictionary. Then we can simply go here, select the word we've added to our dictionary, and then either we can change it or we can simply say remove. And after I've said remove like a done and close. Yes. Now, if we select a text, you just try that again. OK, At the moment it's still viewing as if it is spelt correctly. So I think once you close the software perhaps and open it, it should update it for you. Let's just make sure I go to a spell check and then, uh, at the moment it's not giving me the option. So we'll go. Yeah, Miss spelled out. Yeah, let's try that again. My apologies. Yes, you're too lazy to read. OK, so There we go. It's still removed, so in essence, it should update it. But I think once we're closing up the programme, uh, we should have the updated text, but yeah, any case, that is how you remove it. So the gist of it is you can either right click and change things or go to the actual spell menu and you can add things to your actual dictionary. So in future, it will not see it as a error. But yeah, in the meanwhile, if we head here to co dot Z A. You guys will notice We've got a variation of Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your surgeon on the top or right. If you do not find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the uniform, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers