FabriCAM Software Add Part Settings Secondary Toolbar (Part 7) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam add part settings
When it comes to the Add Part feature on the Secondary Toolbar, it has a number of options to cover.
Some of these options will become quite important if you want to have this feature work at all.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers ST Symmetry.
Previous video covered ST Add Parts.
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Video Transcript
Alright guys, In today's video and fabric camp, we're gonna be looking at adding parts using our secondary toolbar. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Otherwise we're back into the programme here. Now. In the previous video, we looked at the at parts, um, option or feature and today we're gonna be going into it's settings because it's got quite a few. So we've got a bit to cover. So I'm gonna quickly add a flat part, just something where we're gonna see a nice variation at another circle made you make 200. And then, like I mentioned in the previous video, very important part of adding parts will be using the manual quantity. If we only has one, then, yeah, it's not gonna work very well. I'm gonna go about nine for this. So we I know we've got at least enough and then I add at this one part the first part you're gonna have to add manually because as you can see, the moment it is great out. So you actually need apart selected in order for, uh, feature to work. So I'm gonna add this part and then once I selected, you can see it becomes available zooming here for you guys so you can see better. So then I'm gonna click this and then from the actual pop up, we have a few things that we have to look at or could can look at now on top. We've got an info little block, which is obviously the one we covered before where this one is red. That means you don't have enough pieces to add. Then we've got with of the part. So basic, can I say measurements of the size of the part we've got And this is relevant to when you're setting your actual offsets and so forth. Then when it comes to these settings, we've got two panels here, one for the X and one for the Y. Now, the settings in there is exactly the same. But they were one of the effect, obviously the, uh, ex sorry and one Why? So now from these settings, the first one we have here is the, um number, part X. So, in other words, how many numbers do you want? Parts? Do you want to add in the X direction, keeping in mind that we only have eight available. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna say Okay, we want five and X and keeping in mind that this won't be adding five, this will be five all together with number one, because the default is on one. And we know we've got nine. So that means it's already used to one, so we can go five salt here is gonna be five on the actual X. Now next to settings. We have to look at here. We've got a X, and we've put an offset X. Now these ones work together. See if you're just one, the other one automatically adjust. So the top one you can kind of use a calculation of, Let's say it is 204 because of automatic. It's got a four offset over here. Let's say you want maybe 2, 200 spacing between the shapes. Then you have to go to 400. You catch the idea. So now you can see the offset 200 But so this depends the workflow you like to use. I personally like to use the offset because it's way more. Uh, should I say way less calculation? You have to do in the long run, but if you have something specific, you have to go forward, then you can always use the X. Then, after that, we have to the X or X plus and X minus. Now I'm sure you can kind of figure out what that will mean, but I'll explain it either way. So the a X plus, which means it's gonna add five. Or should I say it's gonna add four to this shape in a positive direction on the X positive will be to the right, and if we go minus is gonna add to the negative. But we won't be fitting in five over a year or four. So I'm gonna keep this on the positive, and then the spacing, we'll leave it about 200. So let's just say okay and see what that looks like. There we go. So now we've got four shapes because obviously the fifth one could not fit in, so we can always move that sideways and then we just go there again. And now just fix that. Now what we wanna do is select the last one. Go add parts. Make sure this one is 200 then we make this 12, it's gonna see we only have five ships left. So I'm gonna say okay. And there we go to add it. The last one, some equal 200 spacing between all of them. Now, you can obviously go in the why direction as well. So up and down. But the nice thing is, like I mentioned or just show you, you can select any one of these shapes and add apart from there. So let's try that. Let's go make one up one down or Yeah, let's do that. So I'm gonna go also 200 space scene. If we fit it in like this 12 at the moment, it is gonna add a shape upwards. So Okay, something that did not like that. So let's just try that again. Gonna make this 12. Let's go. About 100 spacing just to see. Make sure it's in the Y. There we go. 200 was a bit far. I think our, uh, orders with Set a bit high. Now, let's add one to the bottom. We're gonna make this too. Like this. 100. And there we go. Make sure we go the Y in the minus this time. And then it should as a shape to the bottom. So yeah. So now you can imagine, uh, how you can use this. As you can see, we, um sorry. Wrong about him. We still have a few shapes left, but about two left, so you can always add it from there. So this is a very nice way to get, uh, some metrical type parts at it or not symmetrical, rather equally spaced. You can do this with the next thing, but the next thing is obviously limited to nesting it on the canvas as a whole from one origin point where this you can place your your shape anywhere and start equally spacing it from there, which is very handy. So otherwise that is it. On the ad parts feature from our secondary too. Well, and, uh, yeah, I would run through a recap. It's videos running a bit late or long already. So otherwise, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares will recover and you can also isolate your search You on the top of right if you do not however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go Yeah requested training, video filling in the form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.