Tag Archive for: Flat Parts. Edit

FabriCAM Software Add Part Settings Secondary Toolbar (Part 7) Step by Step Video Tutorial

When it comes to the Add Part feature on the Secondary Toolbar, it has a number of options to cover. Some of these options will become quite important if you want to have this feature work at all. This video is part of a Mini-Series.Next…

FabriCAM Software Secondary Toolbar Parts Symmetry (Part 8) Step by Step Video Tutorial

In most cases when you are working with flat parts, just a simple rotate and move will be enough to get the desired transformations. But when it comes to having shapes in a more Symmetrical layout, your basic transform tool will not…

FabriCAM Software Secondary Toolbar Group and Ungroup (Part 9) Step by Step Video Tutorial

Working on more complex designs where the layout and position of parts are of great importance, things can get tricky quickly. This is where the Parts Grouping feature comes in very handy to help you manage and maintain some order…

FabriCAM Software Secondary Toolbar Undo and Redo (Part 10) Step by Step Video Tutorial

Now when it comes to the next two features on our Secondary Toolbar, you should be quite familiar with them. With being said, if you have not used them before you will find them extremely useful when working on projects. This…

FabriCAM Software Edit Part Secondary Toolbar (Part 11) Step by Step Video Tutorial

When it comes to the Edit Parts feature available from the Secondary Toolbar, it will have a more advanced approach to transformations. This video is part of a Mini-Series that covers all the different tools and options available…

Secondary Toolbar Transforming Flat Parts FabriCAM Software (Mini-Series) Video Index

This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about the Secondary Toolbar use with Flat Parts.Index Below. When it comes to the Secondary Toolbar we have a number of options available for editing Flat Parts. PART 1 - Secondary…