VinylCut 5 Software Closing a Vector Path to Make a Shape, Step by Step Video Guide
vinylcut vector path to shape
Vector Paths in VinylCut 5 are open or closed, but how does one close a pre-existing open path.
Open and closed paths differ in the following ways: An open path has endpoints. It has a point that it starts at and then one where it ends, in return it will look more like a line or line art then a shape. A closed path has it’s starting point and endpoint merged into one, thus turning it into a shape that allows for a fill color.
Here’s a video on how to open paths with the Split Paths feature.
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Video Transcript
How are you guys? In today's video final cut, we'll be looking at how to close paths. It's just a quick intro here of today's video can be found on You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares We do cover, and we upload videos daily. Otherwise, if we are back in the programme here now, let's say you've created some path or yeah, some path and you want to close it so you can actually add a full colour. Because right now, if we select this path, go to our full and stroke panel and you can see we actually have a full colour here. Set it to read. But it's not registering on the actual Matt, and that's because our path is not closed. So in order to close it, there's two ways we can do that. We can either navigate to the top year path and we go down all the way to close parts or what we can do, which I find a bit more simple and quick. You just right click. Then we navigate path and then we say closed path. Once we've selected that, you'll see it closes our part, and now we can actually see the full colour. Now, uh, we have another video. I'll link in the description how you can actually split parts or rather, open parts again. And then, um so if you wanted to do that, if you want to take a shape in your open apart, you can also do that and we just go to a new page. This close part also is handy for using something like a pencil tool. And let's say you create some shape, not pretty as hard. And even if you try your hardest to get that little centre, you'll see it's still a closed path. So then what you can do is you can, like I say, right click, go to path, go close path. Now, under the colour, we can actually set a colour and yeah, here you go. I'll be as hard I've seen. Why is it you guys hate you to start training today? You guys can find this video and more videos like it. You can see we've got a variety of different software to cover. And also, if you wanna isolate your search, it is here on the top, right? And then if you don't find what you're looking for, you can always request a training video. And then we will make that for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.