Tag Archive for: Scale

TruCUT RDWorks Software Export Scale of Graphics (Part 8) Library Video Mini-Series

When you first make and import your graphics to the library, you can set the default scale. Once you want to export the graphics to a project, you are able to set the scale of the graphics again if a change is needed. This…

TruCUT RDWorks Scale your Text with the Text Tool (Part 6) Text Tool Video Mini-Series

When it comes to the most used option for a text tool, being able to set the scale must be it. There are a number of ways to set the scale of the text within TruCUT RDWorks, and we will be looking at them all. This video is part…

TruCUT RDWorks Scale of the Traceable Background Image (Part 3) Tracing Images Mini-Series

Being able to set the scale of the imported background image is great if the image is too big. You can of course scale up the image as well if it is too small, but I found most of the time just zooming in is enough. This video…

TruCUT RDWorks Transforming the Scale of Shapes (Part 3) Transforming Shapes Mini-Series

Being able to scale objects and shapes is one of those must have tools when Transforming Shapes. Like with the Location and Rotation Transform features, the Scale transform feature also has the ability to do more freehand methods…

TruCUT RDWorks Scaling Objects by Percentage (Part 3) Cut Property Bar Video Mini-Series

Using the Scale by Percentage is a great way to speed up your workflow if you have an idea of the scales. With the Scale by Percentage, you are able to quickly increase or decrease the scale to fit your design needs. This video…

TruCUT RDWorks Scaling Objects with (CPB) (Part 2) Cut Property Bar Video Mini-Series

When working with strict measurements for a design, being able to enter exact scales it a must. You are able to get close to exact scales using the freehand point nodes, but nothing beats exact values. This video is part of…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Import and Scale BMPs (Part 1) Working with Bitmaps Mini-Series

If you are working with images and bitmaps within the program, know how to add them is where to start. Next to importing images and bitmaps, is being able to scale them to the right size to fit the design better. This video…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Scale of the PDF Prints (Part 4) Printing to a PDF Mini-Series

Setting the scale for your PDF prints in your printing options will differ depending on your desired outcome. There are a few options that will help you change the final outcome, which will depend on if you would like to print the…

Sai FlexiSTARTER 19 (Mini-Series) Scale, Move and Rotate, Video Index about these Features

This video is part of a mini-series that will be looking at different ways to Sacle, Move and Rotate Objects in FlexiSTARTER 19.Index Below. When it comes to Rotating, Scaling and Moving objects within the program, there are normally…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Scale Objects with (DC) (Part 2) Scale, Move and Rotate Mini-Series

When it comes to speed and freedom with scaling objects and shapes, then using the Control Points is the way to go. Yes this method might not be as accurate as using the DesignCentral way, but for concept stages few things can beat…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Resizing Objects with (DC) (Part 1) Scale, Move and Rotate Mini-Series

When it comes to Scaling objects and shapes, the Design Central way is by far the most accurate with measurements. But one of the big things that sets it apart from the more freehand way with using Control Points is the speed factor. This…

VinylCut 5 Software Scaling Your Shapes and Objects Different Methods, Step by Step Video

Knowing different ways of scaling objects in VinylCut 5 will make the design process faster and more precise. When setting the scale of shapes and objects there are a few methods to follow depending on the desired outcome. That will…

VinylCut 5 Change Your Mat Size (Cutting Area) and Orientation, Step by Step Video Guide

Being able to set the size and change the orientation the mat is used for making accurate final designs. Setting the size allows you to work from small design to large ones, and orientating your mat by setting it to landscape or portrait…

VinylCut 5 Software how Scaling, Rotating and Flipping Shapes is Used, Step by Step Video

Unlike the transform handles tool, the position and size properties panel allows for a bit more refined changes. Being able to enter in exact sizes for the horizontal and vertical values allows for a more sure outcome, and that's…