TruCUT RDWorks the Shapes that are Available (Part 4) the Tool Draw Bar Mini-Series
rdworks shapes draw bar
When it comes to the Shapes that are available within TruCUT RDWorks, there is the two most popular Shapes.
Like with most Vector type programs, you will use the base shapes as a starting point for most of your designs.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers the Text Tool.
Previous video covered Path Types.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the shapes that's located on your draw bar, and that's all before Truecar already works. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm, So today's video can be found on We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, back in the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the draw bar and we'll leave relevant links and description So you guys should follow him along now when it comes to the shapes. Okay, don't draw bar. This is gonna be just a quick overview. It's not gonna show you in too much depth on how to modify these or use them an actual design that is pretty universal. But we, um, we try to cover that in future videos. So now we had two basic shapes, So we've got a rectangle and the eclipse. Some of you might also notice that maybe a square in a circle or oval, as icon is moreover, But if we're over, we'll see you. It's called a rectangle and the bottom one is called a clips. So now these are obviously for different purposes that you'll use them. But first of all, if we go to the rectangle, you can simply just if you have it selected, go in your design area. Let's click with your mouse, keep it in and then you can draw box. As you can see, we have quite a lot of freedom here. What type of shape we want to make this rectangle. All we can do is if you keep controlling while your left mouse button is in, it will restrain uh, X and Y or the horizontal and vertical sizes and will turn into a cube. I mean, cube square for you. So then you can somebody just let go of left click and it will create it with our selection tour. If we have this box selected, you can see we have the basic control node points or handle points so you can change the size again of it. Or, if you double click, you can change the rotation and scariness. Now these ones do also work with node points. So if you go to the edit node, you can see your points here you can add more points, remove points so you can basically turn these basic shapes into any other shape. You kind of desire for your design. Then next up here, we've got the eclipse. So click that same as the rectangle. Can someone just left, click and drag in? Same thing. We can make ovals like this or you can keep it in your control and I'll make a circle now. Likewise with this, if we select, you can change the size of it again like this. You can also change the rotation which circles amendments, much sense. But you can do the scariness as well. Maybe on some form of drop shadow, whatever you're going for. Otherwise, yeah, that is it in the basic shapes, rather simple to use and quite universal. If you have to compare them to other programmes or vector type programmes. Now, if we had to head year to got you guys will notice. We've got a variety of different Softwares will recover, and also you can isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find what you're looking for, just go here, request the training video, then we'll make that video for you. But otherwise thanks guys, for watching and cheers