The Easiest Way to Install AM.CO.ZA InkRIP Software on Windows Operating System (Part 3)

inkrip software installation

Now when it comes to the Installation process for AM.CO.ZA InkRIP Software, it might surprise you just how simple it is.

You should notice one very cool advantage if installing the software in this method in regards to multiple copies.

This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Activate InkRIP.
Previous video covered Download InkRIP.

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Video Transcript

Alrighty, guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to install and upgrade in Kip. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now, if we head back to the tutorial here. So now, in the previous one, we looked at where to download the programme and, uh, now we're gonna be looking at how to actually install this. And now, when it comes to the installation process, this is actually pretty straightforward. Unlike a lot of other programmes where you have to actually run through a setup this one, you can simply just extract the file where you want it and install it. The beauty of this is that you can actually run multiple versions of, um, encrypt. So let's say you've got a certain set up on the one. You can just make a copy of that. Run it again on another. Um, I can say, uh copy and then have different settings altogether. The beauty is also your serial key will be relevant for all the programmes or all the software on your PC. Not just that one copy, which is very, very handy. So now what I'm gonna do is I've got here where we've downloaded it and now download folder. So I'm gonna right click this and simply say extract all now you might have not all the settings I've got here cause I've got different extraction programmes as well. But I'm just gonna use the windows default Click that Another way you can do it is you simply go in here. Copy all of these out, like you would do in a normal folder. But yeah, for now, I'm gonna write, click, say, extract all. It's gonna ask me, where do I wanna extract this to? So if you want to have a different copy somewhere else, this is where you'll do this. You can even just rename also the root folder to something else and then it you can have them in the same folder, but with different names. Then we can extract here and then wait for the process to go. Ok, now, this is gonna take a little bit of a while because it's a a lot of files inside that. So what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna pause the video. And then once this is done, we can complete or carry on with the actual process. OK, now that is done exporting. We've got our folder here. You can simply open this and it will show us what is inside. Now, I would recommend, uh, seeing that this did not install it or you just extracted it that we, um, make a shortcut. Or we pin the actual, uh, file that opens the programme because otherwise you'll have to go to this folder every time to open it, and that's just a bit of a slip. So then what you wanna do is you go to the actual icon here inside the root folder called Inc. Uh dot R dot EXE. You might not see the dot EXE if your file extensions are not on, but otherwise just ink dot rip should be fine. And then you right, click this and then we wanna go down, up till we see this. We've got a pin to task bar and then you also have here a pin to start now. Task bar is bottom bar here. If you want it there. Otherwise, if you are in your start menu, you can just say pin to start. I've already done that. And then what will happen now is if we click on our start bar, we will see here we've got in group, so I can simply click that and then it will ask us. Um but he wants to make change up. He say yes and then it will start the actual programme for us. So, as you can see here, we've got the little start up screen. Now it's gonna give us this message if it's not activated. So if we didn't have a serial key and that so it just tells you about the demo version, some causes why this could be happening. And then, um just on the following where you'll have the watermark and then a few other things to other options which won't be available. So I'm just gonna say OK, and then if it's the first time you're running it, it's gonna ask you or prompt you. If you would like to run like an auto set up, you can simply say yes and then that will help you with a basic auto set up and then yeah, you've got the programme. Um, ready. So you can actually now start playing around all of that. We'll obviously try, go into more depth with that. But this is the most important step. Is at least getting it up and running. It's gonna close you for now. And then let's say on our second point, let's say you wanted to upgrade. So let's say there's a later version then what you can do is you simply go to the website again. So where we actually got it? So you can either follow the links like we showed before you go to actual encrypts website, you go to download and then it will take a year and then you can actually see here if there's a later version. So over here by the V, you can see the version. Then you simply download that and you follow exactly the same process we just did. Then, um, it should then add you with the latest version. So if you wanted to take it from there, you can, um, do that very simple, very easy to use and very easy to understand the process now, at any point you get stuck. You know, Just go to the beginning of this video, run through it. But just a quick recap. So after you've downloaded it, you wanna extract the file? You wanna go inside there? I recommend you make a shortcut of this in your start menu or task bar quick access. And then you just double click that, and it will start the programme for you. Now, the key tip or note that we mentioned is you can obviously make a duplicate of this folder, Run it again. And then you can set up different settings for different perhaps, uh, profiles or so forth, which is handy. So if you wanna test one, but you don't wanna mess up your current one that's working, I would recommend following that process and then for the updating, you can obviously simply just go to the website. Look, if there's a later version, download it and then do the same process where you extract it and then run it. But yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, before we get to activation all of that, if we head here to co dot Z a. You guys will notice We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go here, request the training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.