SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Matching Colors in the Library (Part 7) the Color Specs Video Mini-Series

flexistarter matching colours in library
You are now able to take a pre-existing color and try to find matches from the library.
The library has loads of colors from different programs all the way to different standards.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered Library Add and Remove Colors.
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Video Transcript
Hi, guys. Today's video flexi starter. We're gonna be looking at how to find and match colours from your libraries using the colour specs too. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm. So today's video can be final got today. We make sure that easy towards problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise, back in the programme. Yeah, just a reminder. This is a miniseries around the colour specs. We've covered quite a few different videos already, and I will leave relevant links in the description so you can actually follow along. So now, in today's video, um, we'll be covering the libraries or to find tab under the colour specs. So now, first of all, let's open the colour specs, which obviously look at you on the standard toolbar magnifying glass with a little paint drop. And under the tab here, you'll notice we've got three different ones. So we're gonna be going to find this time and under the user interface here Now what we've got the first option here is your swatch tables. So from where do you want to find the colour? So I'll go to my own And then, as you can see, we've got the same colours as look at him switch table, and then we've got the names as well, which is pretty nice. So now, so on this side, you will select the colour you want to find or find something similar to which, in my case, it will be the Solomon Pink. Then on the right here, we've got the tolerance. This is kind of how close, Uh, it will be to that colour. So you'll see what normal, good and best it's gonna leave mine on normal. And then under that, we've got where we want to sample from. So which library you wanna search to see if we're gonna find a similar colour, then this. So I'm gonna switch off switch table, and then we look here under the library. As you can see, we've got quite a selection, so you can simply just click on these little blocks. If you want to search the whole library of that make or that category, where you can open it and go look within and isolated like that, I'm gonna put shot one the one shot click. So we're searching that you can choose as many as you would like then, uh, what we're gonna do next is we go to the search option on the top, right? So once we click, this is gonna try, find any results as we see here, we've got two different options. It found us coral and, uh, another salmon pink. Then we've got some information about the vendor and so forth. But, uh, as you guys can notice you on the left or left top, this is our original colour. So this is the one with our that we started off with, and then the bottom is the one that's selected. So you can actually now see how this pink is actually, even though it's got the same name is a different colour because it comes from a different vendor. So it might be that maybe you want to set to como and que and another was already be that is possible. That might be why they looked at the So let's just use the coral for now and then at the bottom Here, we've got two different options. As you can see, we've got we've got a measure as well, but that one is great. out for us. So we've got your ad and replace. So if I add and then I said Okay, now on our little switch table here, you can see it just added that colour to our swatch table, which is pretty nice. So what we can also do if we get to the same place library find is gonna save mine too? Perhaps my own switch stable again. Repeat the process and we just got to search now it can also do This weekend, for instance, click the other song pink, and then we're gonna replace and keep an eye Now on that one wants to say, Okay, so I'll go replace. And then I said, okay. And as you can see, it is just replaced it. So now we only have a new colour. So that is something to keep in mind. So you can replace old ones if you prefer the new colour or you can just simply added and I would say, definitely the safer bet you add it. And then if you let's say, for some reason, I go, okay. I don't really like that one or I like the new one. You can somebody just right click on the colour and say so. It's a safer way to go about it, but you can also replace it from the start and then once again, like usual. If you're happy with the changes, make sure you right click and you go to safe table. Or what you can do is you also go to view colour safe table. Otherwise, next time you open, you will have to redo all of those settings. Otherwise, that is it on matching colours on the library. Um, if I'm not mistaken, I think this was the last video on the Colour spec series. So thanks, guys, for joining Appreciate it. And then also if you guys navigate to But we have a variety of different software is like I normally mention, and also you can isolate your search on the top right here and then If you don't find your looking forward, just go your request, a training video, and then we will make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys again for watching and ships