SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 How to Calculate Percentages (Part 5) Unit Values Video Mini-Series
flexistarter calculate percentage values
The great thing about being able to use Percentage calculations in FlexiSTARTER is that you able to adjust all the value in a Percentage amount.
That could be anything from Rotation, Scale, Location or just about any other parameter that you able to set with numbers.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Division and Multiply.
Previous video covered Ratio Formula.
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Video Transcript
How do you guys today Influxes started. We're gonna be looking at Justin Unit values with percentage. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Okay. Today's video can be found on We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, updates daily, otherwise back in the programme. Yeah, Now, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on units and calculation. So today we're gonna look at a calculation of percentage and this is relevant to most values. You can sit in the programme so anything if anything, is basically working in inches centimetres and so forth. Then you can use this formula. So also, in regards to the miniseries, I will leave links in the description so you guys can follow it along otherwise, Um yeah, let's just head back right into it. Uh, let's grab this shape and we just make it copy of it. Now, as we can see here on the Design Central panel, we've got a scale with height. We've got an X and Y location as well. So now what we can do similar to the setting the ratios with your shape selected make sure you select all the text in there, all the values, including the inches, and then we can simply just type in. Let's say we want to scale this down by 50% so we're gonna make this shape 50%. So 50 and use your percent key that's on your keyboard. Press enter. And now we can see. Now this thing is one inch obviously keep in mind. So if anything under 100% we'll be scaling down anything over it will be scaling up. So if we want this back to two inches, we obviously have to scale. There's 200% so 200 sent presenter. Now there's two inches, which is convenient, that you can see it in percentage and then also you can does also work on your location. So let's take the X. So we want to move in about 20% to the left. Now, obviously, to do that, anything under 100 will be going to the left. Everything over 100 we're going to the right. So now to move a 22% of the left, we actually have to make it 80% So we're basically taking 20% off of the 100 and you can see we've just moved 20% of them right now. If we want to move it 20% to doctor the left, you want to move it down 20% of the right. Obviously, we can't go 100 and 20% say anything over 100 and then I'll take it back to its original location. So, uh, just that is the basics on using percentage values in, um, your calculations. Like I said, it works on most of these values that you can adjust. So even when your document, it should work here. But otherwise, if we had here to t Seattle's away, um, we've got a variety of different sources to recover. And also you can isolate your searches by going to the search party for into little magnifying glass. But but if you still run dry, you don't find out you're looking for. You can always go your request, a training video. Then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers