SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Differences Between Linked and Embedded Files, Step by Step Video
flexistarter linked embedded differences
When importing Raster or Vector files, you can link or embed the file into your document. A link is a connection between the document and the image original file.
This can make a difference in the overall file size and also how the file will behave when sending it to a cuter via global vs local means.
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Video Transcript
Hi, guys. In today's video flexi starter, we're gonna be looking at the difference between length and embedded files. But before that, let's have a quick intro fist. Uh, so today's video can be found on y. Um, we make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos and updates daily. Otherwise, back in the programme here. Now, we have briefly covered this before with import miniseries, but today we're gonna be looking just at the difference between linked and embedded files. So then, uh, first of all, what we wanna do is locate our files. So if we go to main menu on top, go to file import, then you just select the file you want to import, and then we'll see you on our right. We've got this linked option. Uh, let me give you a brief description about the differences between them. So, um, it's kind of says it itself, but yeah, so linked. If we click that on, then it will only put a link to the file in your actual project. So even though you can see it moving around all of that, it's a linked version of the following a computer. So if you had to take your main project file for the graphics you're working on copy to someone else without copying this PNG. Then you know that far will not be in your project as it is only linking to this far. So this is great if you're gonna use it as a reference or you don't plan on moving the project file. But if you have someone else cutting for you and so forth, then you want to leave this off, and that's what they will do is so embedded. So basically it will save a copy of that far inside your far as well. So then what that means is, um yeah, it will increase your file size your project file size, but in return, if you copy that project to anywhere or someone anywhere, then that PNG will be included. So that's the main difference between the two. So keep in mind if you wanna. If you're using it as a reference or so forth, are working locally. Only then linked is fine, I said. Well, keep your main project for smaller, and I basically won't make a duplicate of the image popping it. But embedded files will. It's a bit more universal in the sense of if you're working globally or like on a network or something like that, then that is maybe the way to go. Otherwise, that is hit on lengthen embedded aisles. If you guys head here to r see the today, you will notice. We do have a variety of different Softwares to recover, and also we have this nice little search options. So if you want to isolate your search, if you don't find what you're looking for, however, you can always go here to request a training video, then fill in the many form. And then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers.