SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Set Units to Metric or Imperial (Part 1) Unit Values Video Mini-Series
flexistarter metric or imperial units
When it comes to scaling objects or setting an exact measurement for a shape, then knowing what the Units are set to is a must.
Being able to choose between Metric or Imperial means that you can easily work on projects worldwide.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Adjusting Values.
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Video Transcript
Hi there, guys. In today's video Flexi Starter, we're gonna be looking at how to change your metric and imperial units for the programme. But before that, let's just a quick intro. Mm. So today's video can be found a hat's here today. You guys will notice We do have a variety of different Softwares we cover and also we upload training videos daily. So just keep an eye there for any new contact. Otherwise, we're back in the programme yet now the unit is pretty much everything will be measured in whatever it's said to so its metric imperial. So if you look at inches or centimetres the moment we can see here, it is set two inches so far to zoom here on our documents properties. We'll see it is I n at the back, which means anxious the same way. If we had to select any object and its properties, we can also see the measurements are anxious. Likewise your rulers on top here and to the left, or also be measured in inches currently. So let's say you actually working something like centimetres or millimetres, then we look at to change that also, if we look at the top right here, I can actually see years this inches. So if you're not sure they into located if we see these little in the corner of the rulers too Little Arabs shame basically where the measure is gonna start from. If we go on this little icon and we double click it like so then where you'll pop up the options. So under the options here we have a few different settings which we have covered already. But today we'll just be looking at the last sitting under the rule of law, which will be the units. So if we click the drop down, then you'll see we've got a few you can choose from. We've got inches, feet decimal inches, millimetres, centimetres, metres and points. So that's a swamp is two centimetres. Then logically. Okay, we will see everything will change now. Now this is measuring in centimetres, as we can see on the top right corner and the same with our object selected. We see a CME. Now it's just so many mix. Obviously you can change this to anything you want. Just a recap again. So you double click on this law icon where the two rulers meat and they will be under units at the bottom. Otherwise, that is it. On changing units. If we get over to uh, you guys will notice we have a variety of the software to cover. Like I mentioned, uh, intro video. Also, if you don't wanna run through all these videos and manually look for something, you can always go into the search option on the top of right type in what you're looking for and just hit the little magnifying glass button, and it will isolate the search for you. But if you still run dry and didn't find if you're looking for you, always go. Yeah, I requested training video. Then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.