FabriCAM Software Practical Training Exercise Functions (Part 13) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam training exercise functions
First on our list we will be looking at a practical exercise to navigate your 3d view port with the Functions at hand.
Using the Functions method is a great starting point because most of the icons are nice and visible.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Practical Exercise Widget.
Previous video covered Practical Exercise Setup.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at our first practical exercise, and I'll be using our navigation functions. But before that, we'll have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, back to the tutorial here and now. If you guys can remember in the previous video, we did a little practical set up here, So if you did not follow along, you always skip back to the previous one in a link in the description and then first quickly setup your practical environment. Now, when it comes to the actual navigational functions, we're gonna be using these ones over here. Now, obviously, there's no real zoom other than the magnifying glass, which is not quite a zoom is more inspection tool. So for the sake of this video, we're going to use our mouse wheel zooming up and down. So now what I want you guys to do for this practical, we're gonna I'm working with all five or I guess, six. If you include the zoom tools and then just to get more familiar with it. Now, you can obviously go through this little exercises many times you want and eventually vary it up as well as you get more comfortable. But for this purpose, I'll show you guys what I kind of expect that will help you improve these, uh, navigations. So the first thing I want to do is we're gonna start a rotation saying that that is the most challenging, so we kind of get the hard work out first. So now what we're gonna do is I'm gonna click the rotation button and then, like we did in a previous video, we're first gonna try. Rotate this thing up or down, right around left and right, and then in a full circle, So first gonna start with the up. So obviously, if you click close to the centre, you will give you a better rotation. But if any point like this you find it starts getting messy, then what I want you to do Instead of using the home button, I wanna have you used the zoom fit, So just to get it more centred again, then we go back to rotation and we try to rotate this thing right around. Then once we get there, if you want, If you're happy with how centred it is, you just carry on. Otherwise just go zoom fit again. Then we want to go left to right or right to left and then do the same thing. Try, rotate it right around There you go is doing fit. And then now, for the most tricky one, it is rotating this thing clockwise or counterclockwise, like I mentioned before, make sure, obviously, or rotate selected and try to rotate from the corners at some point, this might get a bit wonky. Go till I find it like there. When it starts doing something like this, then what you wanna do is just leave it back to the centre, grab another area rotated, or what you can do is go zoom fit. Then you have a better corner angle again and just rotate that right around. Then next time we want to use this home button. So this is going to reset our thing to the top view so we can move on to our next little practise here. So now that is covered. The rotate zoom fit and home. Next thing I wanna do is zoom and pan. So I'm gonna zoom to this first little circle. We add it so simply keeping my mouth where it is and using my mouse wheel to zoom in. So then, until we get to a nice large area, then what I want to do is go to the pan and then get in the habit of moving this to the centre once again, with all of these things will be left clicking except for the zoom. So now what I want you to do is with this one in the centre pan to the either you can go clockwise or counterclockwise. I'm gonna go clockwise. Then we're gonna pan to the next circle, get that in the centre of the screen and to the bottom one that in the silk in the centre of the screen, and then planned to the last one and get that in the circle. And now what I want you to try to do to finish off, try kind of zoom to the middle of the screen again or zoom out. So, like I said, with the mouse wheel, keep in mind I want to zoom this way. I must take my mouth feel to the opposite. It's a bit like reversing a car. So then I wanna have there and kind of try Zoom back to the centre so that centre enough for me. You can always go to home, but for the sake of practising zoom, this is a good one. Now, you could try zoom into one of more of these corners, uh, to have this video not too long for you guys. I'm not gonna do it. So I would recommend if you can try, zoom into a corner, zoom back to the centre, zoom to a corner, try to at least four of them, And then the last thing that you wanna do, we're gonna go to the magnifying glass, and then this middle one, we just want to inspect the lines in the corners to make sure everything is correct. Okay, so you can see it's correct. And then we'll click on the magnifying glass again to get it away. But yeah, otherwise, that is it. On our first little practical run through as many times as you need in order to feel more competent and then? Yeah, And then we'll move on to the next one. But otherwise before that, if we had to softwaretraining.co.za z You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your surgery on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to something you requested. Training video, filling the uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.