FabriCAM Software Practical; Clear Auto Nesting (Part 18) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam practical clear auto nesting
Now once you have used the Auto Nesting tool, for what ever reason you might want to undo the process.
It is always a good idea to know how to clear a process that has been applied if you ever need a fresh start.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Nesting Imported Shapes
Previous video covered Practical; Nesting with Rotation.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how you can clear your nested isles or shapes, and this will be for fabric camp software. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z day. We make sure easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back into our actual tutorial here. I'm just gonna make a quick, um, set up here just while I'm explaining. So what you wanna do is if we've got files nested and let's say you want to clear it because you'd rather want to do manual files than what you can do is, um, we're going to just basically, uh, yeah, it's the same way you can basically do it if we're gonna manually clear things we say, uh, following the same principle. But if you're not aware of it yet, then what you can simply do is, um, uh, I say this is important to make sure you have all your files selected because if you have nothing selected or just one or two files, nothing is gonna happen because If you wanna add manual files, let's just add some parts here. Go to add exactly the same part. But let's say you wanna manually lay them out the way you want. So I think this was 500 by 600. 303 100 we add and then make sure manual quantity. We set this 1 to 6. We say add Now, if we go to this manual part of ad, we'll see. We actually cannot get it onto this canvas. So if you want to do manual placements, um, they will unfortunately be possible. So then what you wanna do is make sure you select all of your things. Just simply click and drag a selection box over them. It doesn't have to go over everything. I was just at least touch everything that you want gone. And then what we do is we simply click here at the lead part. Then you will see it will remove it from there. Now, if we go add part, we can manually place these ones the way we like it. Set, irritation and so forth. Now there is something to keep in mind. I'm gonna delete this part quick if we go back to nesting. And, uh, you might think you can simply just select this part and say the literal part. Now, um, I would not recommend that workflow because I'll show you know what happens. And so we've got that we'd select the literal part. It's no longer there, but are nesting files are still there. But you will notice we have another problem. We cannot select these nesting files anymore. So if I want to add a new part now I'm sitting with I'd rather confusing setup here where I can see right through the other parts of my essence. These parts are not here anymore. Might just be a refresh problem, whereas an updated. But if I go to a nesting options also no option because it is not there. So you might have to clear everything could try, save and come back and see if it's refreshed it. But in general, you wanna first select your part that lead them and then delete the rope part with that selected. But yeah, otherwise, just a quick recap on this practical. So if you wanna remove your nested parts, make sure you select them first click the lead part, and then you can manually add or re nest if you wanted to. But in general, if you're gonna re nest, you don't need to worry about removing parts because it will automatically remove everything for you. But yeah, otherwise, that is it on removing nested parts. If we go here to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice you've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the many form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you, but otherwise, thank you guys for watching and churches.