guys in today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to update your fabric camp. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on hat we make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos. And we also have daily updates otherwise, back to the tutorial here. So now, to update your programme, Yeah, this is a good practise to stay up to date with the latest version. So you make sure you get all the latest features and bug fixes now, Um uh, and some programmes. You can just reinstall the latest version, but I always recommend, if possible, rather uninstall the old one and then reinstall the new one. But if you're gonna take that approach, just keep in mind. It is quite important to back up your files, so I would always recommend just back up your files before you actually go around updating. Even if you keep your programme installed, I will still back it up just for safety. Especially if it is work related, not just personal now to update it. Obviously you just want to get the latest version. So in order to do that when you want to go to a m So you can see on top year simply type that in or Google aimed at 00 and should take you to this website, then from the menu to the machines or hover over it. They want to go down to software and drivers. So now once we've clicked that it will take us to the software drivers. And then every year we can see fabric cam and the latest version. Now, if you are not sure which version you're running, I would recommend first start your programme so we can quickly do that here and then, Um once it has started what you wanna do, you wanna go to help on top? It's gonna zoom in again. Okay, so we want to go to help, and then we go to about once it opens this dialogue dialogue box, we can see you at the bottom on the top. It says version and then the number. So it's 1.0 point 6.7. Currently, we are running the latest, but I will still show you just in case you want to do in the future. So now if we go back to the website here and what you wanna do is after we've clicked on machines or gone over machines and software, Then we wanna click here on fabric camp. So, like I said, they will say here, which is the latest number. Then it will take you to a website called C N. C. You this the other day and then if we go down here, we can see the, uh, version numbers. So this is the earliest one. We go all the way down to the latest, so just keep in mind that the bottom will be the latest normally on this website. So then what you wanna do is so yeah, you can look see if there's a version later than yours. If it is, you can download it and instal it. And just make sure obviously, when you start your programme again that your USB drive with the serial number is active, otherwise your programme won't start. But yeah, that is it on updating. So you'll just run the process. And then, um yeah, you can Also, as you can see here, they've got a nice little document where you can actually see what is in the updates, but this is still 2019. So perhaps they have all the latest ones in that document. We're not 29. Sorry. Vision. Uh, 1.0 point 19, But yeah, So that is it on updating. Otherwise, if we head here to z. You guys will notice what a variety of different Softwares to cover. And you can also isolate your search. You on top of right, if you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to simply go your request, a training video filling the many form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers. 16:49:372024-08-28 09:24:16Updating the FabriCAM Software to the Latest Version (Part 7) Step by Step Video Tutorial