FabriCAM Software the Home Function for 3D Navigation (Part 1) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam home function 3d navigation
When you using the 3d space to navigate, you might find that you loose your sense of direction fast.
If that is the case then the Home Function will come in so handy, This is one of those functions that you use all the time.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers the Magnifying Glass.
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Video Transcript
Hey, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at your three navigation. We'll be starting with a home function, but before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za Today we make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates There was read into the tutorial. Yeah. Now, um, like I mentioned, we're gonna be looking at the three d navigation, which is this window here, and there's a few different options to look at on the top and the right, so we'll be going through function for function. Just so you guys have a good understanding of what they do because, uh, navigating through space if you're not used to working through your programmes can be quite challenging. You often find yourself getting lost and, uh, you're making a mess of things. So we're gonna run over this on basics and then afterwards, some tips as well and just how to make it more simple for you. But yeah, So then, uh, the first one we have to look at here is the home. Now, this function is great for if you, uh, mess up your view. Like I said, it happens way too easily like you might be rotating it and then getting some anger like this. And now you just can't get back. And, uh, as you can see, it becomes a mess to work because, you know, on the wrong side of the design, So everything is gonna be, uh, up and down and so forth. So then what you can do is you simply click on home, and then it will reset everything to the top view. But keep in mind, you don't want to use this Just, um, for for everything. Because you might be looking for a very specific angle. Then, um, if you hit, this one is going to reset it. And you have to redo all that hard work of getting that angle. Because, like I said, navigating through the space can be quite challenging if you're not used to it. But like anything else, the more time you spend in it Uh, yeah, the more competent you will get. So I encourage you play around, try get a bit lost, and then see if you cannot reset it yourself, then, um you hit the home button, we'll take it back to you. Yeah, otherwise that is it on the home. So just a quick recap. It is basically to reset your view board to the standard, um, top down for your sheet that you're gonna be cutting very anti button, and you will find yourself really use it quite a lot. But yeah, otherwise, that is it on the home function. Um, before we head to the next one, if we had to softwaretraining.co.za z You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares you to cover, and you can also isolate. You're searching on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply, uh, yeah, I request the training video fell in the uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you, but otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers