FabriCAM Software Practical; Nesting with Rotation (Part 17) Step by Step Video Tutorial

fabricam practical nesting rotation
Now in order to get the maximum surface out of your cutting sheet, the Rotation feature could come in quite handy.
That being said, in order to gain more surface from your sheet, the cut out shapes will have a large part to play.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Practical; Clear Auto Nesting.
Previous video covered Practical; Nesting with Arrangement.
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Video Transcript
are you guys? In today's video? We're gonna be looking at using a practical example of what happens when you combined, nesting and rotation. And there's almost will be used if you want to save some extra space or fit in more shapes to your actual cutting sheet. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, bread back into the programme here now just a quick recap again. So this is gonna be a practical video. Not so much editorial on the nitty gritty these and we're gonna be looking at How can use rotation to get more shapes out of your cutting plane instead of having a waste each file a wasted space. So I'm gonna start by going new sheet. It's gonna go the default 2000 by 1000 with the damage. One say okay, then we're gonna go to flat pots, and this time I'm gonna choose this hour looking shape, and then I'm gonna set the first one to or the 8 500. And this may be 600 then the widths of these lengths, I'm gonna be sitting to 300. Say, okay. And then let's go about quantity. I'm gonna go about six. So, uh, this is obviously quantity nesting. Just keep that in mind. Then we're gonna add Now, if I go to nesting, I'll make sure rotation is often we see, Start, we can see Over here, we've got four shapes in our actual cutting plane. And as you guys can see, we've got quite a few spaces that we're gonna be wasting. You can manually try. Move this. But I think we're just out of the scale, so it won't be able to put it there. You have to put it off centre, which you still have the same problem. So now we go back to nesting and we put the rotation. There's obviously many different settings. Were 1 80 90 45. And this all depends on your shape you're playing with. But I only need 180 degree rotation to try squeezing some more shapes. So now, as we can see here, we've got four at the moment. So if I go start now. You can see now we can actually fit 16 click. Okay. And now you can see we've got all our shapes that we've added or created on our actual cutting plane with very little wasted space or wasted sheet. So that is a great way, for example, that you can use irritation to save or rather to add more parts to your sheet without rotation as well. Unfortunately, not be possible. You can obviously manually route rotate all of this. But that's all gonna take your extra time, which is unnecessary if you have something like the next thing feature. But yeah, otherwise, that is it on the practical with nesting with rotation. Uh, you guys find it informative, But in the meanwhile, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za uh, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling the form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just