FabriCAM Software Print Job Preview Job Information (Part 3) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam preview job information
Now while we on the topic of the print job report preview, the job information will be the most important section.
This will be a great place to see some of the most important information about the job at hand.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers PJ Preview Color vs None.
Previous video covered PJ Preview Part Numbers.
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Video Transcript
Hey, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at previewing your job information when it comes to the print feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure it's easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back on the programme here now. In the previous video we looked at, I'm looking into part numbers when it comes to the actual printing. And then we've also covered your actual report information for the client. So in today's video, I'm going to head back into our print option. Let's put this back on our primary monitor. Yeah, well, actually secondary. And then what we're gonna do now is we're gonna be looking at, uh, information at the bottom file project. I'm gonna zoom in just so you guys can see a bit better what's happening? So now on the left here, you can see we've got of It's the one we're looking at, the actual order number you can say or the project. So we've got that there and then we've got the file and This is kind of where it is safe to then, uh, you're how we can say we've got a customer. This is the one we're also filled in for the customer. And then if we have to go to the right of that, we've got a description. Which the description, we add it then we've got thickness. So this is obviously a thickness of materials, and we've got used area How much we used then if we go to the top, right, we've got size. This is the size of our material. So we can reference it and got the date when we exported this and then after a description like I mentioned a material type which is still used up areas so we can see we've used up 84% of the material. And yeah, so it's a very handy when you're printing report, especially if you're showing it to the client or you have to go, um, yeah, perhaps to the actual shops, to get materials and so forth because you'll see there's even more depth we can look at for more information we can get regarding the part and so forth. But you also otherwise, just a quick recap. This is the information about your project that it's going to be printed. We have the client and that job type and that information which were filled in the beginning. We've got information regarding your material and also the amount of space used. Yeah, otherwise, that is it on the job information. If we head here to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, you can just simply go here, requests a training video, filling the form, and then we'll do our best to make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just