FabriCAM Software CAM Hole Sequence All Shapes (Part 2) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam hole sequence shapes
Now that we have covered how the Create Hole Manual Sequence works, lets have a look at some of its other options.
With this next one on the list we are able speed up our Hole Sequence part of our workflow quite some.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Clear Hole Sequence.
Previous video covered Create Hole Sequence Manually.
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Video Transcript
How do you guys in today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to set your whole sequence for all shapes using the camp feature, and this will be for the fabric camp software. But before all of that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we head into the programme here. So now in the previous video, we looked at setting up your whole sequence. Now this is obviously done in camp cell switch to come here and then we can see here. We previously looked at going from right to left and then the next shape left to right because this is the original default and this was the actual, um, one we've set. It's gonna zoom in there so you guys can see a bit better now, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at seeing it for all the shapes. Obviously, in order for this to work your shape over here or the part must have multiple numbers either manual or uh manual quantity or quantity nesting. So if it only has one this, uh, it will be redundant. So what we wanna do is with both of them, Um, insert it. I'm gonna just quickly so we can see. And I'm gonna set this one to different direction. So let's go there. We're gonna set it from left to right. Say okay. And then, like I said, yeah, yeah. Any case I work nights, so if it doesn't work, just reset, Okay? No, I didn't say it was still going from right to left. So we just go again. Go left to right. Say okay. And then, uh, for some reason, it is struggling a bit. Let's go once more left to right. Uh, still struggling today What you can do? What I found some things works. Uh, cannot that previewing it. So what you wanna do then, with, uh, found sometimes works is you go and sit in the opposite direction. So I'm just gonna exit out of here, go back to camp, and then we're gonna take this one and then send it to the opposite direction. So they're at the bottom years option clear. If you made a mistake like me to shape is not always that necessary. But if you have multiple holes on your shape and you just stay clear or clear it and then you go this way route, There we go. Now it is correct. And now it's going. I don't know why does it sometimes works in reverse? Maybe it's a little bit buggy, but yeah, you can just go that way around. And then now it's gonna go from left to right left to right. So I just quickly previous have a quick look just to make sure it's left to right cuts around, and then the next one should be left to right. Now, this should be the, like, the default Cube. So if I just added a cube is the way it will be responding to the cutting. So what I'm gonna do now is we're gonna look at sitting in the opposite way, so I'm gonna go same again, create whole sequence manually set it this way. But this time we want to make sure we enable apply for all parts of the same shape. So this is similar to a feature we've covered with a few other features previously on the secondary toolbar where you can apply for all shapes. So we're gonna try this now. I should be going from right to left for both shapes. And as you can see this and now it's going up from bottom right to left. And the next one is going to the right to left. So we know it works. We can see the flow of the arrows here, the zoom in, you can see the address. Okay, meet this way. Which means at least going from right to left. But yeah. So otherwise that is it. On applying it for all shapes like I mentioned, Just keep in mind. Yeah. You know, if you wanna set the actual, uh, flow of this, you some things might have to go the opposite direction if it's a bit buggy. So just keep in mind what you're actually doing which side you want to go? And then also another one we covered was this little clear all function, which is very handy if you've made a mistake. If you actually like me previously going in the wrong way because, as you can see, if I click here doesn't own click it. So you have to clear all and then adjust it, so that is quite convenient. But yeah, otherwise that is it on setting it for all parts. If we go here to softwaretraining.co.za z, You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video calling them uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.