FabriCAM Software the Basic Polyline Tool for CAD (Part 1) Step by Step Video Tutorial

fabricam cad basic polyline tool

Next up on our CAD tools to cover we will be looking at the Polyline tool with its options and features.

When it comes to the complexity of tools, the Polyline tool is a bit more complex than the Line tool, but a great alternative when making more complex designs.

This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Polylines – Several Points.

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Video Transcript

Alright, you guys, in today's video, we're going to be looking at the basic Holly Line tool and this will be for the cat feature within Fabric Cam. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. And we make sure that you get to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, if we head into the programme here now, there's gonna be a miniseries on the actual policy line tool which if we go inside our cat here, we can see it is the tool right next to our lines. Let's zoom there and then from the drop down menu, we have the poly line and then we have a poly line, several points. So we're first gonna be looking at the poly line itself. Now, in many ways, you can always view this as an upgrade from the basic line. So uh, yeah, it is kind of more advanced version of it, which gives you more control. So if you have to do single lines, or perhaps let's say a line and then with nothing attached another line, something on that line and then you want definitely use the line. But if you want to have joint lines, then the poly line will be a very handy tool then with the poly line selected. So I've already selected it, and then I just click here on the backdrop and then you'll see we get this little, uh, options menu for the poly line. So we've got X one x and Y one and X two and Y two and then under that we've got the actual measurements or the location of them. And then on the right here, we've got the plus and minus, so we can add more and remove. So now, uh, let's just run through how this is gonna work. So, like with the other ones X will be our first point our starting point. So I'm gonna leave both of those zero, and then we're gonna adjust our, uh, x two and y two. So I'm gonna first Or should I say first gonna just do the x two so on X to I'm gonna make this 100 to the right, so we'll just be a positive 100 and then just keep your mind When you want to change these values, you have to double click them. But if you double click just them anywhere, it doesn't always work. Sometimes you have to go click double click on multiple times to get that field active. So if we have that selected, I'm just gonna say okay, so we can see what happens. You can see we created a single line here, so it's pretty much like the line. But with the poly line, we can change this side. You can either edit it, but I'm just gonna start a new one so we can see the blue line, Uh, more clearly, but it's actually not that relevant. So in any case, so let's now go. We're gonna go 100 to the right. So now we saw we've got a line there, So let's maybe try a bit of a zigzag just so you can see how this works. So now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click Plus, to add another line. You see, we just added a line on top at the bottom, but you'll see, um, value is already inside here, so it is already updated. And what this is pretty much doing is that line we had, where we ended it by 100. Now that becomes a new starting point for the next line. And that's why we were at y zero. But the X is 100. If I had to set the Y also 100 this both these two will be 100 because this is a new starting point. So let's say now we want to go back to the left, but up a bit. So then X, I'm gonna leave zero because that's back to the origin. And then why? Just up this, Maybe about 30 and then, uh, we can just quickly preview that I'm gonna say Okay, as you can see, there we have the Y two on the X. We've got 100 and then the y I mean the X to the second line. We've got 30 up to the side. So now you can obviously just edit this so I can just add another one. Okay, let's just remove, Okay? Cancel that. She's gonna select year. So add one. Tonight we can see our starting 10.9 30 in the air or the re zero. So now, obviously You don't have to go to the exact you can make any shape you want or just about except for curves. And then, uh So if you've got the measurement of your actual design, plot it down on paper or something already or in a document, then you can simply just into all the values here and but time you say okay, it will create a nice little pattern for you. So I'm just gonna go over here again. Let's go 100 to the right. This time we want to make sure the y 30 So the same height and I'm gonna add another one, and then we're gonna go back to the left again, but up of it. So this is gonna leave zero. And this time let's go 60. Neither say, okay. We should get a nice little exact going. So yeah, otherwise, that is it. On using the Poly line tool. Like I said, it's a very handy tool once you get the hang of it and you have to unfortunately, most of them work with some measurements or just calculate it as you go. But yeah, otherwise, before we head on, if you're here to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top. Right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the many form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.

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