FabriCAM Software Adjusting Machine Torch Height (Part 3) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam adjusting torch height
Now that we have looked at adjusting torch speed, let us look at adjusting the height as well.
When we are adjusting the torch height it directly compliments the torch speed settings as well.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered Machine – Reduce Speed.
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Video Transcript
Hi there, guys. In today's video in Fabric Cam, we're gonna be looking at adjusting or reducing our torch height under the machine settings. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we're back to the programme here. So now in the previous video, we looked at reducing the speed by the corners. Now we're gonna be looking at reducing the height as well. And like I mentioned in the previous video, these two normally go hand in hand so we'll normally use them together with each other. But now, in order to do that, we're gonna go here to our configuration. You zoom in and out. If it's not available, make sure you're not inside your cam. Then you'll be able to click this. Then I wanna go to the third tab to machine again. So I'm gonna pretty much be going to the same place we did the speed. So at the bottom here, cutting technology table, I'm gonna click that, and then it's gonna open our cutting technology table. Then on the right here we want to activate and the torch High control add operations. It will be activated for holes and larger parts or part large parts larger than 50 millimetres. So I'm gonna say active. And then we wanna also make sure we activate our vertices here on the right. So click that and then the default setting is pretty good. So I'm just gonna leave that as is, and then we say OK, now, in order to make sure this is working with our N c or, um, to see if it is working before we go to cutting, what we can do is we go to our N C tab here on the configuration, then from the N. C. We want to go down and look at this start of contour and end of contour numbers. Now you can change these, but I would recommend leave it a default so we can see Start of the Contour is M 15. End of the contour is M 14. So I'm gonna just keep that in mind. So OK, and then let's go to Cam and then we go to N. C. and run a little model. Now, if we have to look here on our actual, um, code on the left so we pretty much want to go down and we look, if we can say m 15, there we go. We've got M 15 m 14. So it is pretty much going from here. And then when it hits our first M 15, it's gonna put the new, uh, adjustment speeds, as you can see over there. And then once it eats M 14 around the corner, it's gonna again at the right correct speed. And then once again, next corner m 15 or just that m 14. And it will carry on until all the shapes are done. So, like I mentioned, it's a nice way to confirm that it is working correctly. You can just come and look over here and make sure you see the M 15 and M 14, but yeah, otherwise that is it. On reducing your torch height for the corners in the Meanwhile, though, if we go to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares. We do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, but in the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.