VinylCut 5 Software Nesting Folders or Putting Folders Inside Folders, Step by Step Video
vinylcut nesting folders feature
Nested folders generally make it easier to find specific layers later, because you don’t have to sift through all your layers at once.
A folder within a folder is usually called a subfolder. You can create any number of subfolders, and each can hold any number of files and additional subfolders.
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okay. In today's video, we'll be looking at how to add folders inside other followers. Keep your files more organised than meat. It's a quick intro. Yeah, so today's video can be found on Um, you will notice that we've got quite a variety of different software we do cover and also just a note. We do upload daily. So keep your eye there for for any new content. Otherwise we head back into the programme. Yeah, so now let's say Well, let's first, Okay, This is a follow up of more tutorials on the layers panel properties and how to use it. So if you've not seen some of the previous previous video's, I'd recommend checking them out. Otherwise, to locate your layers properties, we will go here to the right panel properties panel, and then we select those three little papers that is your layers properties. And once it's opened, let's say for for organising sake where we want to take all the orange flowers, putting one folder, then do the same with purple and put that in a folder called Flowers. Then it's very easy to understand what's happening in the design. So what do we want to do is first create a new folder. What we can do that is, um, can either go on the top right here. And then we click on that little drop down menu and then we say at layer folder what we can do. So we go to the bottom little icon, you with a folder with a plus on we click that now you will notice that has created a new folder on top here. Now, next, what you wanna do is select all your, um, orange flower players the two ways you can do that, make sure your selection tools on you can either click on the flowers on your canvas or your mat, keep shifting and select all the rest. Or what we can also do is go on our layers panel. We select the flower, keep shifting, and then you select all the the other orange flowers keeping shift in. Now to move this into a folder you wanna with all of those selected, click and hold the left mouse button and drag onto the folder. And if you see a little black line under it with a white dot, that means we'll drop it in the folder. If it does not show the white dot show the black, then I'll put it just under the folder. For now, let's put it inside the folder. Now, as you can see, the arrow, the orange flowers are in the folder. Now, let's just rename this folder quick. There is, uh, two simple ways to do that. The one is you click on this little icon on top here again, and then we go to the bottom, which is layer Properties. Now on the right here you that says we can rename it set of colour and so forth. Another simple way to do this as you go on the layer or folder and you just double click the name When you double click the name, it will bring that same option. Let's just rename this quick. And I said the colour just so we can see. Yeah, but it is orange. Yeah, we said okay. And now we've got our orange folder. Now let's just repeat the same steps quick for that purple. So once again, at the bottom here we click the new folder. Then we click our purple, uh, flower and keep shifting select the rest. We drag that onto the new folder with a little white dot Let's double click this. Rename this purple if you want, you can change the colour. Mhm. Mm. And I say, OK, now you can see we easily have these two, um, organised in there. So now let's add a main folder. So once again, click on the bottom here. Oh, plus double click this. Then let's name these two flowers. Yeah, organising things like this is great for big projects. Or if you're working with multiple members and then let's say we want to add the folders to it once again, click and all in drag. So you see that little thing with white dots. Then if we open this and let's say for any reason, you want to organise the the position of the folder. So let's say you've got graphics in your purple that's on top of the orange, but now it's under the orange because it's layers underneath it to change. The position will just click, and then we drag it on top. And then, um, yeah, make sure it's got just goes on top of it. Yeah, so then there you've got your purple now on top. While it's inside the four, they can easily collapse this. And now it's very, very neat and organised for other designers to work. Well, that is, uh, yeah, the folders adding philtres to photos in one. I've got five, and we hope to see you for some more layer properties Tutorials. We just heard you to our website quick. If you navigate your we find this video and more videos like this were also, as you can see, cover quite a variety of different software. And we've got a search option on the top of right here if you're looking for or if you want to isolate your search to something more specific. Otherwise, if you don't find what you're looking for or you would like to see something in a specific programme, you can always request the training video and then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers