VinylCut 5 the Layer Properties Panel Different Layers Icons, Step by Step Video Guide
vinylcut different layers icons
When it comes to quick layer management and navigation knowing what the icons looks like is a great start.
When you are working in a big project with many layers, being able to quickly identify what the icons mean will save you lots of time, and also will help you to not feel so overwhelmed by all the different looking icons.
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Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the layer icons using final Cut. So today's video and more videos like this can be found on That's here. That's okay. Um, yeah, we cover quite a variety of different Softwares, and also we do upload daily, so just keep an eye there for any new concept. Otherwise we'll go back in the programme. Yeah, Now, once again to locate your layers panel will be, uh, right here three little papers, if you select that will open your, um, players icons. Now, if we look here, we've got a few different icons to cover. So this little paper with a fold corner that is just a generic generic layers there will be any shape you put in will be this then any text that he's got a t on it, then you know it's text. So if we switch our cheques too and we selected, you can see we're actually able to edit our modified that panel and come to its text. Then next up here, we've got the little followed G. That is, if you've grouped any, um yeah, more than two objects together. So if we select this one and two if we keep shifting or if we drag a box over both of them and we eat control G for shortcut or we go on top here, too. Object. And then we go down to group control Jeep. They're now on the side. Here, you will notice you just made a a little folder, the G on it. And if we open that clicking that little arrow next to it, we've got, uh, one and two in there. Mhm. So then another icon we have, which, if we go on the bottom, here is the add folder icon. So if we click that now, on top year, you will notice there's just a little folder nog on it. And this is nice for for organising about graphics and so forth. So if we just rename this quick so now to get anything into that folder, what you would do as you click it. Then you hold your mouse down while it's clicked and you move up under the or your mouth onto the folder. But under, if it's got a little, um, black line with a white box hope you can see this they don't go into the fold. If it's like this, they'll go under the phone. So if the black boxes No, the white icon. In any case, so we have a lot of white box. Put it there. Now, if you open the folder, you will notice that graphics in there also the folders open and it's easy to drag it in there. And yes, that is the the icons in the in Final Cut five. And, uh, I hope I see you guys in the next tutorial on this layers panel properties tutorials. Otherwise, we get to the website. So if you navigate your your oral or search on Google for he, uh Then when you get to the website, you'll see we we cover videos like this and more. You'll see we have quite a variety of driven software. Also, you can search on the top right here. If you're looking for any specific tutorials or if you don't find what you're looking for, just go request the training video and then we'll make that for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers