Is the Trace Image Tool not recognizing all the cut lines in the image you trying to trace?
Now with the Draw Mask option you are able to redraw those missing cut-lines that is not showing up, but not only that you now able to also remove cut-lines that you do not need anymore. This is a great feature to make some nice custom changes to those traces.
This video is part of the Trace Image series, so make sure to check out the previous video for a look at tracing an image in Single Color Mode.
How do you guys in today's video final cut. We'll be looking at how to draw custom masks with trace image feature. You should have a quick intro. Yeah. So today's video can we find out on ? Let's hear. That day you guys will notice We've got a variety of different Softwares. We do cover, and we upload for just daily. So just keep our eye there for the new content. Otherwise, we're back in the programme. Yeah. Now, um, uh, yeah, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on the trace image feature. Um, there's a lot to cover, so we won't be covering all of that in this video. We'll just be doing the, um, draw mask. But you can find previous tutorials if you look in the description at the bottom. Otherwise, once we're in our trace image feature, she can be found here by that little landscape icon. And then you have your input selected. Now, if we go update preview and we can see here on the mosque, me zooming somewhere for you guys. Mm. Now you can see on the mask that it is not capturing. Um, all of the little tree stems here. So let's say you want to capture all of it and not have these gaps. So when you finally cut your vinyl, there's no gaps. Then what you can do here as you go to edit mode. Okay, we selected draw mask. Now, here on the right, the size will. We'll be set for the mask, foreground and background. So let me give you a quick rundown what they do. The mosque forward ground that adds mask, mask, background removes mask. So let's go update here again. So now let's say we want to add a mask here. So let's set this scale to maybe around two. Then you can also adjust the, uh, show source image so you can see more of the what the mask is showing. But then, in any case, so now let's just run it. So we've got a gap year here, and yeah, and the end is not done. So let's start here. We just click and drag the sky set, and we're just kind of following this part more or less. And now if we click, leave and we go apply update preview. Now, as you can see, the mask is um is filled in there as well. Yeah, no. Then, uh, let's say so. Yeah, that's basically how you add it to the size will adjust the size of the mask you add. Let's say we want to take this whole branch at all this top area because it's a bit messy. Then what you can do is we go to background from the edit mode. We select the background option. They said the sculpture. But for now, what we'll do is as you click here, you'll see we can erase that. I'm green. So let me zoom in for you guys while we do it. So now you can raise all of this green nicely and then we'll do the same. The other side, Yeah, if you have to raise bigger areas, you know, we're just up your scale here, and then you do the same thing. Rounded edge. And now if we click update preview, you'll see the mask is updated, so now will no longer be cutting that area. So this is a great tool. If you're you're tracing an image and it's a bit messy and this gaps and things, or you want to remove parts of then you can use the, um, pro mask to. Otherwise, if we just head to our website here, you guys navigate to You'll see that you guys can find this video and more. We just like this. As you can see here, we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And also we have a search option. If you're looking for anything specific and then also, if you don't find what you're looking forward, just go here to request a training video and then we'll make that for you. Otherwise, Thanks, guys watching and cheers. 20:12:122024-09-25 06:45:01VinylCut 5 Trace Image Tool Adding or Removing Mask Cut-lines, Step by Step Video