Okay, guys, in today's video, I'll cut. We've been looking at the cut and drawing settings for the cut sets. It's up a quick intro here, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. Today we have a variety of different sorts, which we do cover, and we do upload videos daily. So just keep an eye out for any new content. Otherwise, back in the programme here now, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on the cut settings. Uh, I will leave links in the description to some previous videos and videos to come. Um, yeah, for you guys that don't know just you can navigate to your cutter pay per year with a cutting and pen tool, and they will open. These cities already covered the basics overview and also some of these top settings. Today we'll be looking at this column, which is the cutting and drawing sex. And first off here we've got precepts. So now let's say you have set up all these things uniquely for a job. Well, let's say a client and so forth. Then you can always hit the little plus button and you will pop up this pop up menu to add a preset. Then you can name it what you want and I'll just call my name. I default. Okay, Um then it tells you the precept type. It's cut. So it's not a pen one, depending on what you said. That setting too. But we'll cover that soon. And then what do you want to say from the precept or from the settings? So, uh, sorry about in there. If we just minimise this, then you can see we've got here older. I've got the settings for it played off, said, and over cut and multi cuts. So under this, we, um we can actually see, but they are, and we can choose if we want to select or deselect those sex. So for something like a that deep ball, I'll just keep all of it on and click OK now from the drop down in a year, you can select different presets. So let's say you've got clients. You can just put their company name or the type of work you're doing for them. You can easily just select it every time you cut the right settings, and then these settings will change. According then, next up here. We've got the holder now. The whole day, you can also set up and then had appreciate for that, but there will be only relevant to the holder. So, for instance, if we have under this, we've got blade some basic measurements and then we've got the pen panel B zero. So under the pen here, we've got a few options. We've got the draw lines and then we've got draw a drawer drawer plus cut lines. So depending on what your country can do and your desired effect, you can set that. And then we also have this nice little option here prompt for pin and coloured change. So what this will do is, once it's done using a certain colour to colour in the shape or whatever you're doing, it will first pause and allow you to change the pen and then carry on. If you have this selected on, then we go here, too, from the whole day again, and we select the blade. So this will be for cutting. Then we have a few options here, which will be the blade offset. So if you look at my cross there, um, like a pen obviously tapers to a single point at the bottom in the centre. It's kind of origin. So that's why it does not have an offset because it's going to draw wherever this point is at the bottom. Where the blade, however, it takes us to the one side. So you've got a shop line, and then I'm like, kind of on a 45 about the green line, and that is where the blade is touching. So if you you can then set your offset. So depending on how far to the left or right, you want your blade to actually cut. If it's not cutting nicely on the lines, you can always adjust the year. Then the over cut is also a handy tool, but most of these settings is you can leave a default unless I'm getting problems. Then you can got your manual and just sitting according. But what over cut does is, um, it prevails. I mean, let's say you're cutting the sea out or something. If you're over cuts to say too low to like zero, then, um, it might not cut the shape completely threw When he finally gets to the last point where it started. So when you finally want to pull out that, see I'm late vinyl, it will still be stuck to your vinyl. So about a one millimetre over cut its a good one so it will cut over that line again. Just over. Um, if the shape is very round and stuff like that, sometimes you can get away with a two millimetres, you might need it, but in general, one millimetre is good. Also, just a side note on the blade offset. If it is said to load, you will get very round corners, and if it's set too high, you could create these bubbles in your corners, which is not a desired effect. So, like I said, in most cases, just leave us a default, and if you're not sure what, just say them to, then a multi cut. This one is also rather handy. If you're working on. Let's say you're working on a material that is thicker than normal, and just one cut its not cutting right through to your final still stuck. You can always go down here, and you can choose how many times, like maybe two times, so it will now, before it moves on to the next shape to cut. We'll cut that shape twice to make sure it gets through the material. And then I'll move on to the next. So, yeah, that is the in that look on cutting and drawing settings, like I say, keep our high on the description. We will put some links to some other videos so you can follow along in this mini course. Otherwise, if we had here to, uh, software final card, uh, sorry. We will. You know, you can find the programme. You're freely available. Just head to the downloads page. And then if we never get your softwaretraining.co.za uh, you can find more training videos like this. We also have a variety of Softwares we do cover. You can also isolate your search, looking for something specific or if you don't find what you're looking forward, just requested training video, and we'll make that for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys. For watching. And till next one. Cheers
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