VinylCut 5 Software the Break Apart Feature An In-Depth Look, a Step by Step Video
vinylcut break apart feature
The Break Apart function goes one step further than Ungrouping.
It is used to separate a combined shape into the individual parts that make up that shape.
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Abigail's. In today's video of I'll Cut, we'll be looking at the break apart feature. Uh, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on You guys will notice we've got a variety of different subjects. We do cover, and we do upload verse daily, so just keep an eye there for any contact. Otherwise, back in the programme here now we have covered Break the break apart feature before. But that was in conjunction with a few other features. Today we'll be looking more in depth or just, um, the break apart so otherwise, to get right into it. We've got these two texts, so we've got a normal vertical text and I'm sorry. Horizontal text in a vertical text. Now let's say you want to be able to move these letters individually at the moment because it takes, we can't so you'll have to backspace while and type a new one. Or make a duplicate type a new one. That's that's a bit of a mission. So what you can do but keep in mind, this is destructive editing, or so they call it. I mean, tax will lose its tax properties otherwise. Other words weren't able to use your text tool anymore to edit it. But then what we can do is we, um there's two ways to use a break apart method or feature. First of all, you can go to object on top with your shape selected, they will navigate to break apart, and then you will also see the shortcut for that control B. Then, if I escape here another way we can do this is you right? Click on the shape that's selected. Then we navigate down until you find break apart once you've clicked this or we'll break those shapes apart. Now, as you can see, all the fills, all the holes, rather has a turn into shapes as well. So then what we can do is if we navigate here to the right to our layers panel, we can see that takes us now turned all into a folder, and under that folders all those shapes. So you can either select the individual shapes and change the colour or what you can do. He's a so we select that one inside, and a then, if you want to remove that inside, there's a few ways we can do it, but the most common way. So we can just either right click or go to object again and then under break apart. We've got Merge control shift. It's a shortcut. Click that now it will remove that inner shape for the shape of this on top of the letter. And then you can just simply repeat it with the next shapes and let all those shapes are keeping shifting or being on your layers panel, then go down. So we find merch. Now we're able to move these letters individually, which is a quite handy then, yeah, that is the basics on a break apart, uh, merge does something to work with it. Like I said, if you wanted to remove the like this, see two gaps but we can also do is you select those two colours, all those two shapes. You go to your colour and then you just change this. Let's say two white, the same as the background. Then it will have a similar effect, but it is still individual colours. So if you group these together with control G, then you can move to the same as before. But now you will notice it's actually white. Where if we had to throw the A on top of that, so let's just quickly arranges bring to front. Then you'll see those gaps. Range front, strike again. Now you can see those caps actually see through where the B is just falling with white. So that is the main difference if you do it the other way, and you can also obviously go to your paths. And then we have a few fix here, but just fall on breaking apart. That is the basic way you're gonna go. So a quick summary you will select your text. Uh, those ones are locked in any case. Then you'll go to object and then you go break apart. I mean, it breaks those shapes individually for you, and I'll throw in the fold of your mind. But yeah, sorry. It's a bit of maybe a bit too much on the break apart, but I'm sure you get the idea of how it works. Otherwise, if we had here to final cut, uh, the programme is freely available there to take your download page. Otherwise, if we go to um, this video and more videos like this one is available here. And like I mentioned, quite a variety of different Softwares. We do cover also isolated search on top year on the right. And if you look at for anything specific, otherwise if we still come dry and don't find what you're looking forward, just go. Yeah, request the training video. Then we will make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and chips.