The Bulge feature allows you to apply various expanding or shrinking distortions to a shape.
These distortions can be applied to the top side of the shape, the bottom side, or both. They can be applied to the left side, the right side, or both.
Hey, guys, in today's video is final Cut will be looking at the bulge effect. Just have a quick intro video. Mm. So today's video can be found on Got CEO today? Uh, we've got a bit right here. Different Softwares. We do cover, and we upload videos daily. So just keep by there for any new content. Otherwise, back in the programme here. Now, to locate the bulge effect, just make sure your text is selected or shape. Then we're gonna go on top, year to effect, and then we navigate down to bulge. We select that we'll have a pop up menu appear Now. We've got a few different settings. We can sit here, So let's look at first, uh, for the top and bottom. Now, we've got three options here. Separately, together in opposite. So let's first look it separately. So now I'm separately. We've got the top offset bottom of set, uh, top curving bottom curve. So if we adjust the top now, keep in mind with offsets, they can go to the negative and positive. So if we adjust the top, you can see the top is kind of bulging out at the moment. Then you can individually take us on either to the negative to bring it up or to the positive to bring it down. So let's just leave this at zero for now and then the curve. This will be, uh, how sharp this curve becomes, so you can make quite sharp all the way to 100. But keep in mind, this one cannot go to the negative. So zero will be full roundness and 100 full sharps. Now, if we go to together now, as you can see, we can no longer edit this one. They graded out. So now, as we adjust this, the bottom will also just but kind of in the same direction the same way you can still apply sharpness. But for now, we'll leave it alone because you guys know what it does by now, in any case. So then let's go back to zero. And then what you get is opposite. It's an opposite. We're justice. Then, as you can see, it will take an opposite direction to what you're sitting at to pull it in or just it out. Then, uh, let's go to the bottom and left and right same difference. So I'm just gonna put an opposite so you can see the effect with justice to the right, what brings it in? And then so just a quick recap so separately, you can adjust the value separately together, it will go in the same direction that you're adjusting it in both sides and then opposite Well, like it says go in opposite directions and then, uh, yeah, Then you just click, OK? When you're finally ready and it will apply those changes for you and then just a reminder if it was text, it will no longer be able to be edited with the text to otherwise, yeah, that's the basics on the tool. Let's just quickly go to website. Um, if you guys never get to final cut that sealed, the programme is freely available here. Just head to the downloads, find it there for Windows and Mac currently. And then also, if you go to gether today, you guys can find this video and more like it. Like I mentioned, you can also isolate your search here. If you look at range specific or if you don't find what you're looking for, just request the training video here, then we'll make it full. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers 18:06:172025-01-13 11:41:31VinylCut 5 Software Adding Some Nice Bulging Effects to Your Designs, Step by Step Video