VinylCut 5 Custom Patterns to your Fills (Part 3) Fill and Stroke Panel Mini-Series

vinylcut add custom patterns
There are few things that say uniqueness as much as a Custom Pattern in a design, so get ready to load those new patterns.
Now with the Custom Patterns you can do just that, and also add them to your own library for later use, or if you do not want to add them to a library you also able to add them temporarily.
This video is part of a mini-series.
Next video we’ll be looking at the Gradient Pattern.
Previous video covered the Default Patterns.
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Video Transcript
uh, guys, in today's video, I'll cut. We'll be looking at uploading a custom full pattern under the fill and stroke panel, But let's have a quick intro first So today's video can be found on That Seattle today You guys on this. We've got a variety of different software to to cover, and also we do upload videos daily. So just keep an eye there for the new content. Otherwise, if we had back in the programme here now, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on the full and stroke panel. We've already covered the basic fold pattern, and today we'll be expanding on the pattern and how to upload a custom pattern. So once again, to locate the full instruct panel, it will be on all right, so mixing board for colours, then we'll go to the top on the full. Make sure pattern is selected from the options, and then we click on that little block there on the right with a pattern. Now from these options Now there's two ways we can add a custom full. The first way is more permanent, so or sorry, uh, custom pattern full. But yeah, the first way is more permanent. So if you think you're going to use a baton again multiple projects, you can I will be uploading it here to my patterns. And secondly, it will be a temporary one to load image area all this time. So that way, next time you come on, the programme will no longer be available under these options. So, uh, with when it comes to custom patterns, you'll see that these buttons on top here, most of them are great out making new folder, the leading and so forth. And this will only become active once you click on my patterns. Now you'll see something able to use them, hopefully except the lead, because there's nothing to be like him. So then what you can do is either add a new folder and then, uh, just call this custom, and then you wait a bit sometimes. Otherwise, you just open the dropdown menu, click on custom, and then you click this little plus paper with a plus. Once you click that, then you can navigate or you find your That's when you like. Where you put it will take this little weird, uh, pattern. It times when you feel like you're getting a migrant anyways, Then we can click update here. And then it might load a bit because it's arrest the image, So just wait for it. Uh, and then, uh, mhm. That was sure. And then all the other settings are still the same. They were covered in the previous video. So you can still set the size origin point rotation uh, Marie and so forth. And then, uh, if you click OK, then. Obviously they will be your pattern. I likewise if we go there to the same area, But this time we go to load image. Like I said, this one will be temporary. So now what you can do is you navigate. You find your baton loved ones a bit hard to see. I'll just use it for the sake of this demonstration. Then you can set everything up the same as you did before. Click your preview. I think this pattern is a bit bigger, so it might take longer to load. And then, uh, yeah, once said it is. The pattern is loaded, you can always click. Ok, but like I said, keep in mind, you will not be able to find it, then under your my patterns. So if you want to use it on, future, projects will have to reapply. Look, so it's a nice way of keeping a temporary and then, yeah, that is it on the patterns. The next video we'll be covering the gradients, but yeah, let's just quickly you guys never get to final cut. Uh, this programme is freely available there to say to the downloads page Otherwise, on the hat's, uh, like I mentioned earlier, we've got a variety of different Softwares when you cover, you're also able to isolate your search here. If you look for anything specific and you don't want to go through the loads of videos, and then if you still come dry after searching, always got your requested training video and then we will make that video for it. Mhm. The wise Thanks, guys watching until next one. Choose