VinylCut 5 the Weld Style and Union Paths What is the Difference, Step by Step Video Guide

vinylcut weld style union paths
The difference will all depend on the outcome which you are looking at achieving.
If you going for a more final set in stone approach then the Union Paths is for you, but if you would like to keep your options open the the Weld Styles is so the way to go.
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Video Transcript
I was like, Guys in today's winning the final cut will be looking at the difference between the Wild and Union features. Let's have a quick intro. Yeah. Mm. Today's video can be found on Uh, we have a variety of different software. We do cover, and we upload videos daily. Otherwise you're back in the programme now. Um, just a few notes before we start with it, the union option is way more permanent, and we call it destructive editing. So I mean, it's the only way to undo it is with the undo button on top year. So if you've saved your project, closed it, open it back in, you cannot undo it. The wild option is non destructive or not permanent, and that is so that we can still edit it and so forth. And then, uh, yeah, uh, you can edit at a later point. And then the the importance of the two is, for instance, the union one will be nice. Let's say you're sending your designed to someone else that cuts it. You want to make sure they don't buy, actually get the design wrong by moving something or so forth. Then your union it and exported as the SPG or PdF with a wild you, if you're cutting yourself is kind of nice to leave it like that so that you can at any time, make changes if you you feel like the design needs to be changed. Otherwise let's just quickly head into it. So we're gonna, uh we'll have a preview What's gonna be happening at the moment? If we just have to cut this like this, we will see that the two shapes overlapping or cut out as you can see there on each other. So we're gonna have a little hard print. Yeah, a piece of a heart print also cut out in a minute. Now, if we first go to union so you can either right click and you go to Path Union or you can top here, too. Path. He's a union shortcut is all to you. We have another video tutorial covering the union. So if you wanna see it more in depth, you can just do that. Now if we're going to preview, as you can see, it makes it into one vinyl. And like I said, it's ideal if you're sending it to someone else. It's cutting it. Also your layer here, only one layer so you cannot edit it. Like I said, the only way to undo this with the undo button. So it's a destructive way of editing. But let's just do that now. The wild option. If you have the objects selected and you go to the style options, you're on the right and then we cheque this little wild option. Now it's still everything still looks the same. We can still move the shape around. But if we click preview, you can see now that that intersection is greyed out. So now it will still cut it as one vinyl. But like I mentioned, you can now still change this preview. And it, uh, keeps it, Yeah, he keeps the availability options. So yeah, that's the over the difference between wild and Union. We just had to our website here. If you guys navigate to uh, you can find this video and more just like it. You guys can see we've got quite a variety of the software we do cover, and also we have a search option here. If you're looking for anything specific, we also have a requested training video. So if you're looking for something specific, which we do not cover yet, just request the gear and then we'll make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.