TruCUT RDWorks Software the Select Tool (Part 1) Selection Types Video Mini-Series

rdworks find select tool
The Select Tool is the most popular method of selection from all the different options available.
There are a few ways to go about locating the Select Tool, of which we will be covering all of them.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers SM – Select Tool.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at different ways of selecting objects and shapes within your programme. And yeah, this was before true cut only works. But before that, there's ever going into the first. Mm. So today's video can be found on Z day. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise you're in the programme. Just so you guys know this is going to be many serious on selections. We're gonna just quickly going through all the different selection methods we can use to select shapes and objects within your design area. And I will also leave relevant links and descriptions. You guys actually follow along now, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at your most common one, which is a select tool. We have covered this in previous videos on the draw bar and so forth. But now we're gonna be going through all the different methods we can use. So right off the bat, we can just go. You're gonna draw bar select, select the select two, and then you can click on the object that you want. Select it. Just keep in mind. Click on a border of it or a line. Otherwise, as you can see, nothing happened. So once they get close enough to this line, it will select it. No can obviously be done with text as well and so forth. Then also something to keep in mind when it is selected. They would obviously highlight, and you'll see the little Origin X and the control modes right around. That's how you know something is selected. Now there is another way we can do this with the same tool, and that's simply dragging a selection block over it. Using the left mouse buttons and your left click. Hold it in and you drag this boundary box over your object. But I just keep something in mind if it is, um only, as you can see there over a portion of it, not over the whole thing. It will not select, so it's quite important that this box must cover or go over all the edges. You have it selected now for some reason. Your draw bar it's not available. You can also locate the selection tool under your top main menu year on the draw, and then we have select over there. You can see it's a control at first control one. Um uh, let's just confirm because sometimes that many show that's not correct. So, yeah, it seems like cannot. There's no shortcut for control one. There's your straight lines, so you'll have to manually get your draw bar or selected over there on actual draw panel now, Uh, yeah, so that's pretty much it on the selection tool or the selectable. So it's simply, and you're drama or yeah, I mean, you're drawn menu or your job bar and then just a recap. Just click on any of the lines selected or drag a selection box over it now, something to keep in mind. If you've got multiple objects, you can use shift. So if I select this one, I keep shifting. Select that one we've got now multiple objects selected, so if we move that around, they were all move together. You can also use shift to de select ones, so if you actually select the wrong one, But yeah, that is it on the select tool. It's a very handy tool, and you do use it a lot But before we carry on to the next way of selecting, if you guys head here to You will notice we've got a variety of different software to to cover, and you can also isolate your surgery on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just something. Yeah, because the training video following the uniform, then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and shares.