TruCUT RDWorks Navigate the LGP Design Preview (Part 5) LGP Design Videos Mini-Series
rdworks navigate lgp design
When it comes to the preview window for the LGP feature, it will help you navigate the design.
The Preview Navigation feature for the LGP Design is rather limited if you are used to how most programs work, but it gets the job done.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers LGP Design – Light Positions.
Previous video covered LGP Design – Light Cut Types.
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Video Transcript
Riga's In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to navigate the preview window in your l G P design. But before that did have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on Today we make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have an update. Otherwise, back in the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the L. G P. Design and I will also be relevant links in description. So you guys gonna follow it along now? The navigation is sort of simple, but also limited. So if we had to head into the future, you're on the draw bar. I'm just gonna do this. So we've got a basic grid, like apply. So we see the grid now. First of all, um, all the navigation happens with your mouse. So for zooming in and out, we use our mouth wheel, but you will notice this is opposite to normal. So when you try to zoom in, it's gonna zoom out when you want to zoom out and zoom so kind of counterproductive, especially if most people is used to a standard. So that is it on zooming an actual navigation like panning in that does not allow it. At least I could not find any combination of keys and mouse that makes a pen based. Where I got to do that is to zoom out and to zoom in with your mouth curses. It's kind of the best way I could go about it then. Also, if you left, click with your mouse and you drag a box this or zoom to the size of the box. So if you want to zoom in, you can do it this way as well. But I can't get a bit confusing thing you can't pan, so just make sure you nice to isolate what you want to look at a nice little feature they have. That I think, is quite useful, saying that there's no pan and that is the right. If you right click, it will order reset view for you to fit the whole thing with. In your view, you say if you've gone too far, then you can simply right click and research everything, which is rather convenient. But yeah, otherwise that is it on the navigation so once again it's a quick recap to zoom in and out is your mouth will. But it works opposite to what you used to zooming how to zoom in, zoom in, zoom out. You can, um, isolate a piece of your selection by dragging a selection box, and then you can right click the Reset View port and for your your design. But yeah, that is it. Like I said on navigation, if we are to head year to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And also you can isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go Yeah, requested training video. Fill in the many form. Then we'll do our best to make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and shoots