When it comes to the Vendor Settings and backing them up for a later restoration, doing the backup early on is a great idea.
You will notice that sometimes you have to make changes to the vendor settings, then being able to save dated backups is a great way to go about backtracking.
How are you guys in today's video trick that already works? We're gonna be looking at how to back up and restore your Windows settings. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Yeah, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za s here that we make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back on the programme here. Now there's gonna be a two part you can almost a mini series, two different ways of backing up settings for your programme, and this is ideal. If you yeah, if you've made changes to your programme and you want to restore it back to its default, this can come in very handy later on. Most of the time, you don't know you need it until you need it. So it's always highly recommended. You do it when the programme is running in a stable state. So first of all, back up the actual render settings. What we wanna do is we want to go to our top main menu yet file, and we're gonna go down till you find it saying venda settings click that it's gonna ask for password This you can simply just ask your actual am Did a support team for the password. And then, um yeah, they will should supply with that to make sure I got this right. And once we're in here, what you want to do is you want to go here to the bottom, the museum for you guys, and then you wanna say read, then I have no connected devices at the moment at one shot of device settings, but normally this thing will start ending up with the green bar. So it was blue. It was done, and then we've got an option. You're right. So then, um but where we Yeah, actually, I don't think you want to use the right. You're the one who's just save and open. So the right. I think you can change it. And you're right that your actual machine. So what you want to do is you go save, then you choose the location. You want to save it, as so I'll name mine, for instance. Um, been the sittings, and then we call it back up. Looks like what? All that's about, right? Somehow we came in there, Okay? Yeah. You got safe, then it's a safer, uh, Parham for parameters successful. Now, what you can do is if you're in future, you have been running into problems with your vendor settings. Then you can always just going to open locate where you've, uh, saved the back up, and then you wanna go to open click open again. But I'm just gonna say cancel. So you can also obviously do different versions of backups. You can say so, but I'd like to Someone to do is if you just started up the programme for the first time ever. We go. So you read your machine, you're save it. And then you put a date at the end, so you will have your back up, and then you put the date 2022. Whatever, whatever. So that way you always know which one is the latest one that still worked in case you make changes to your actual programme. But otherwise that is it on backing up and restoring the vendor settings. If we had 28 year to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys will notice. Um, we do have a variety of different Softwares. Will recover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, final videos, you're looking forward. Just simply request a training video fell in the mini form. And then we'll do our best to make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys for watching and churches.
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