Yeah. Hi there, guys. In today's video and true cut already works. We're gonna be looking at how to back up and restore your software settings. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Yeah, so today's video can be found on z. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise, back on the programme here Now, just like I mentioned in the previous video, this is gonna be a little mini two part series on backing up and restoring your settings. So first we looked at the actual vendor settings and now we're going to look at your software set. So the vendor is pretty much for your machine you're using and software is for the programme you are using in our case will be trickle already books. So in order to do that, what we want to do is go to our main menu. Then we go to file and then under fire. If we navigate down, we'll see. We'll find here import software settings and exports software sentence. So now this is ideal to do if you've just installed the programme and everything is running very well. And I would say you do this before you said anything. So you know, you've got a default. So you click on that, open up this, um, safe dialogue menu, locate oh, and navigate where you want to save it to, and then give it a name at the bottom. Good ideas, perhaps something like, I'm just gonna call it software settings, um, or software. It's pretty there. Software settings back up. And then, um, sometimes if it's the default one, I'll just call it default. Otherwise, what you can do is put a date there, and then if you've made changes, you save another one. You put the new date. So they were. You always know which one was the first and which one was your latest. Then you simply go to save, tells you export software setting successful. Then, um, now you've got a nice backup of that. Now let's say time goes by a few months, you've said some settings, and now it's in. Your programme doesn't work so well anymore, and you've got no idea what you did. So instead of reinstalling it now, you can simply go to your main menu again. Go to file and then we go to import software settings. From there, you want to navigate and locate where you've set your settings to or save them. Then we're gonna go to bottom right to open. And I'm not gonna say open now. I just say that. But then when you open that, it will load all your programme settings default if you're still having problems, I would recommend doing your vendor settings as well, just loading that to default. Otherwise, that is it on the backup and restoring settings for the programme on your machine. Um, it was in the meanwhile if we had year to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different software to do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling the form. Then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers 12:37:262024-12-03 18:39:06TruCUT RDWorks Backing up and Restoring Software Settings (Part 2), Step by Step Video Tutorial