SAi FlexiSTARTER Software the (PM) Setup Area (Part 3) Production Manager Mini-Series

flexistarter production managers setup
The Production Managers Setup Area is the place you want to use for all your different Cut and Plot devices.
It is also a great place to quickly choose the state of different Cutters by setting it to Active or Inactive.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Production Manger Setup Menu Items.
Previous video covered Production Manger Toolbar.
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Video Transcript
Hey, guys, in today's video flexi starter, we're gonna be looking at the setup area for the production manager. But before that, we'll have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on Today we make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise, back in the programme here. Um sorry. Let me just get back to the programme there. So now, like I mentioned, this is, uh this is a miniseries on the production manager, and I will leave relevant links and description, so it's going to follow along. It's not carrying on from previous video, we're gonna be looking at the setup area for the production manager. First of all, I want to open that. I'm just gonna simply use the, uh what's it button or the shortcut for the kind of plot feature so you can control how is a shortcut for that? So then just wait for this to open quick. Yeah, I think about doing it this way. It's gonna open your plot feature as well. I'll show you now why? That is important. So now obviously the setup areas the one you're on the left. So what we can do here? We can see the basically the cutters we are using. You have to cheque which ones you want enabled, or if you delete things or so forth. Go about this way. We all say, if you right click, we have properties for each one of them that we can set, which we can look into. And then you can also double click them, and you will basically get to their properties. So you see, with each one. So this one is the default job properties. It's the same as in our current plot feature. We had to go on the top beyond the properties. Click that and then you'll see we get the same thing with default job properties and its options. So that is the equivalent of right clicking and going, um, default job properties. Or double clicking it so we can set the same settings here. No, we can also, uh, add another princess here if you want it so we can right click on this white space and simply say, um had set up. Then every year it will ask us. Obviously, the make, which will be aimed at zero and then the model. So you can have got to truly find the one you're looking for. Click next. And then there's some more options. You can always rename it here. If you wanna, um, have something that makes more sense for your under your actual editor. And then, yeah, you can choose the ports and so forth. We're gonna go into too much depth about just set this up, but rather just this is where you set it up. So if you need to set up, um, another cutter because this will kind of vary depending courage, cutter. And also the kind of connexion you're using. Then click, finish. And then, as you can see now, we have the new the Be smart with three. Also, it's already checked. But now something to keep in mind. If we're gonna be sending a job, let's say we go. Yeah, click send. And if we go back to this previous one, you can see now we've got this job over a year. Basically, this printer is no longer available, and that is because you need to choose which job you send it to. So if you've got multiple printers. What you're gonna do is you just go under your colour and plot feature before you click. Send click on this little arrow on the name, and then you go to the V three. Now, if we click send and we go back to it, we will see you under our smart V three. The job is also but otherwise that is the basics on, um, the setup area will go into more depth about what some of these functions do if you right, click and send it. But for now, we just had a look at the basics of, um, setting up also another printer. Then you can Obviously, if you do not like it, you just right click it, you can delete it. Mm. And then we're back to our normal. Otherwise, we're you guys had to God's here. Well, notice we've got a variety of different software suit to cover, and also you can isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find what you're looking forward, just go here across the training video. Then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers