SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Adding Different Colors (Part 8) Swatch Tables Video Mini-Series
flexistarter use swatch table
When it comes to adding colors to your shapes and objects, it is by far the quickest of all your options.
The great thing about using the color swatches for adding and changing colors, is that when combined with hotkeys you are able to not only change the fills, but now the stokes as well.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Deleting Colors from Swatches.
Previous video covered Swatch Tables Visibility.
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Video Transcript
How are you guys in today's video of Lexi Starter, we're gonna be looking at how to apply colours from a Swatch tape. Before that. Let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on z. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates always back in the programme here. Now this is a miniseries on the working with colours and swatches stables. We've already covered quite a number of different aspects of that. And then I will also leave relevant links in description so you guys can follow along in today's video. Like I mentioned, uh, sorry. In the intro earlier intro, we'll be applying colours from a switched able to do that then, um because normally what you'll do is you'll get your fill and stroke will change the colour here, and then go to your, um full so you can do both fill and stroke there. But now, obviously these kind of swatches help to make your workflow, but quicker. So now, to change the actual bill, what can do is make sure your shape is selected with a selectable you're on the top left on your two main trouble short of us? A. So, with your shape selected, you can simply just click on a colour. Here in the bottom, you click. You'll see it change the filled. Now let's say we want to change the stroke of this, but you can also do is keep controlling and then the colour you click on. Then we'll change the stroke. So this is really a very quick way to quickly change colours of shapes and objects. Uh, it saves you a lot of time, in my opinion. And then, like we also mentioned before, let's say you're looking for a company that's got a corporate identity. One of your clients. Let's say, and you make a custom colour palette here at the bottom, and then you can easily, just as your design, you click your shapes. Then you can just change the colour. And, you know it's exactly the right colour and so forth. But otherwise that is it. On applying colours from a swatch table. If we head here to you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares. We do cover. And also you can isolate your search on the top, right? Just typing what you're looking for and hit a little magnifying glass button. But if you for some reason don't find any results to looking forward to always go you requested training video well, in the mini form. And then, yeah, we will make that video for you, but otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and choose.