SAi FlexiSTARTER Design Central Character Tab (Part 7) Working with Text (1st) Mini-Series
flexistarter designcentral character tab
When it comes to editing text in the DesignCentral panel, the Character tab is first on the list.
The Character tab is a great place to make all those custom changes to the letters and words for the selected text.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers DesignCentral – Paragraph tab.
Previous video covered Horizontal & Vertical Text difference.
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Video Transcript
How are you guys in today's video? Flexi starter. We're gonna be looking at the character tap for text under the Design Central panel. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm, So today's video can be found on z day. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos and also we have daily updates otherwise back in the programme. Yet now just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on working with text and I will leave relevant links and description so you guys can actually follow along. So now in today's video, we're gonna be looking at the character tab which, if we have cheque selected here, can be found under your design central. And then it's the little tab with a, um, icon. So this will be your character tap. Now, One thing to keep in mind when making changes here, you can either have your your text selected within a selection to your left sugar, for that is a and then if you have your text look like that and you make changes, it will be global changes, or it will change it to the entire, um text. So, for instance, if we increase the scale size here, you'll see the whole text. However, if we go to our text tool on the left with the shotgun tea, now we can make individual changes to characters and perhaps words. So you will notice, though, if you make changes here, nothing will happen unless you have something selected. So if we select this tab, then we can always increase the scale. So that is something that is quite important to note. But in return, this this does give you a lot of power. So if you don't make it quick, universal change or cannot say a form of uh uh, I'm gonna really call it global. But if you want to make a change with our entire text and you can just do it this way, otherwise you should text tool for more power control. So now if we run through this thing so we can just see it, what do we have? So, first of all, our first option is the aunt. So now if we click here and you'll see you on the left, we can actually preview what it's gonna look like just by hovering over it. So let's just grab, like maybe the normal area, and then you'll see the next one we have here is that you can say almost a style. So we have regular bold, then bold, italic. And obviously it's Alec by itself. So I'm going to keep in mind on bold and then next up here, we've got the scale which have already covered so you can increase this. But the great thing about this you can also select a character. And then when you increase the scale only increases for that character, which is pretty nice. Then next time we've got the with or the character within scale so you can actually set individual with four characters. Obviously, there's also work. If you have more than one carriage selected, then we've got the next thing is slant. So the character slant so we can kind of slanted to the left of the right on the left. And then we've got this little option here, which will rotate their orientation of the character so we'll flip at 90 degrees to the right, and then when you click it again and we'll bring it back, why this is relevant as then, if you've skewed it, Yeah, I guess it's pretty much the same thing I would've imagined would skew it now to the other way. But if you wanted to flip a character, that is how you would do it the next up year we've got tracking, so it will basically be the space between characters. So obviously you will have multi will need multiple characters select any order for us to work. So when you do that, you can increase. This is great, for if your text is a bit unreadable, maybe they are too and stuck together like this or two on each other. And you can always just give it some breathing room using this city next up here, we've got the actual vertical offset. So this will be the we've said for characters. You can obviously use it on, entire. Sure, what can I do it like that? But any guys, so you can obviously do it on, um, individual characters as well. So if we just increase this and you will see we can actually lift it or drop it, you can be quite creative. And that's obviously also works. If let's say we go just make test and another test. So we've got three lines there. You obviously select two lines. Then, um, increase this kind of make a formal separation. So that is good to know. Next up on our list here, we've got, uh, line with all the line spacing. Rather so at the moment, it is set to automatic. So what you can do is you got that little arrow here on the right. Then we go to specify, and then we can actually choose. Um, what type of spacing with one. If you want consistency, just type it in. And once a equal number, you can just increase and decrease in settings here. So otherwise, that is it. On the character tab under the design Central next video, we'll be looking at the paragraph, and some basic options are gonna do otherwise. We head here to c A lot. You guys will notice. We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And also you can isolate your search on the top, right? And if you do not find out a bit of video looking forward, you can just go here, requested training video. Then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and chips