SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Creating Shapes with Guides (Part 3) Working with Shapes Mini-Series
flexistarter unique shapes guides
Here’s another cool way of making unique shapes within FlexiSTARTER, Using the Snap to Guides feature.
When Snapping objects and vector points to guides, there are a few things to keep in mind that differs from the other approaches.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Unique Shapes with Grids.
Previous video covered Unique Shapes with Points.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video flexi starter, we're gonna be looking at creating unique shapes using the snap to guide feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm, yeah, So today's video can be found on You guys will notice we make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos. And we also have daily updates. Otherwise, back in the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on, um sorry, working with shapes. And also I will leave relevant links and descriptions you guys can follow along. So in today's video, like I mentioned are gonna be looking at creating unique shapes with snapped guide feature. And in order to do that, we're gonna have to enable us snapping. So now if you guys have seen the previous video, then you'll know, um that I doctors to bar from my view snap and then at the bottom, they snap two balls, and now we can quickly access all the snapping features. So now I want to make sure all of them are de selected, except for one which will be snapped to guide and then also on the right. You want to make sure? Sure, sure guides is enabled. Otherwise we won't be able to see the guides now, in order to add guides when some places go here on these two rulers. So for horizontal guides at the top one for vertical ones left. So let's just maybe quickly make a quick Q bia. Just drag and drop. If you want to be precise, you can use your measuring tool, your your ruler here on the left and just, um, make sure the spacing is right. But I'm just gonna quickly run through this for the sake of the length of tour. Yeah, So now obviously you can mess around with you guys. However, you want to try to create unique shapes. But one thing to keep in mind is, when you're creating shapes, it will now snap it anywhere on the guy. So your placement must still be rather accurate. So if you want to be by intersection, but at least it won't do it off the guide, Um, completely, I will still snap it to the guy. And then, um yeah, so the next time we want to go to our main toolbar here on the left. Select the busier curve. A better path to my apologies, that p and then we can just simply go here and click and create. So for this, let me zoom in to make sure I'm more accurate with my placement. I'm gonna make a point there. Yeah, I'm just gonna make quite an odd shape. Like I said, you can play more around with us to get more unique shit. And then obviously, when it makes that little circle, then when we click or just all this shape now we can move this off from we've got quite a unique shape. Obviously. Make sure you So you've done with that. Just remove the snap to guides. You can take your eye off as well, and then you and play around with without the ships. So that is a nice little quick way of making your next shapes using guides. In the next video, we're gonna be looking at the grid and how to go about that. Otherwise, if we head here to You guys got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and also you are are able to isolate a search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find what you're looking for, you can always go your request, a training video. Then we will make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.