SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 the Design Area Overview (Part 13) User Interface Video Mini-Series

flexistarter design area overview
The Design Area is the place where you will be spending most of your time when designing.
To have a general understanding of the Design Area will help you feel more at home while working FlexiSTARTER 19.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered the Standard Toolbar.
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Video Transcript
How are you guys in today's video? Flexi starter. We're going to be looking at the design area. Let's have a quick intro first. Mm. Yeah, uh, so this video can be found on Mozzarella today you guys want to look at a variety of different cultures. We do cover, and also we uploaded daily. So just keep it there for a new content. That was weird. Back in the programme. Yeah. Now, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on the user interface, and today we'll be looking at the design area. Smaller overview, but it will cover some of its options. So now the design area is this white canvas, you can say, or Matt. Mm. But you'll be working in. You'll see. We have some borders here. This will be whatever in this borders, um, will be in your final design so you can work outside of it. Um, but anything outside of it won't be printed. In a previous video, we covered how to set up the document and so forth. So kind of you can sit here custom sizes to a four, a three or custom measurements, As we said, a portrait landscape and things like that. But, uh, yeah, like I mentioned the actual design area. It is beyond these borders, as it's just when you finally print it will only be within these borders or print or cut. Then you can obviously set up to restrict yourself within the design to make it more obvious so you can set up rulers or guy. It's like we did cover, but, uh, will not be doing that now. You can also said, um, margins or margins, like in most programmes so you can actually set Where is the margin? So let's say we said it's 44, maybe one and one. Now we have margins for the design to stay within, which is also handy to know, So they will be on your design Central. Uh, it's not there. You can obviously just go here your standard menu standard to the ball and you click design central. Click it or open it back then, a few things to note about the design area. Um, you can use your mouthful sits in, uh, uh, functions and that. So, for instance, if you keep your middle mouse button in, you can kind of pan on your design area. So if you zoom in or something and you wanna work more closely and then also a lot of these things put right click. So if you just write looking on your actual, uh, Matt or design area, we have a few options. We've got zoom so you can zoom in and stuff like that could undo. So, uh, you're gonna do quite a few different options. Quick, say more with items you select them and you right, click. You have some other options. We're gonna lead it copied, duplicated and then so forth. We also set the order, which is quite important. Then I also in the design area. If you click with your selection tool, enable the top left here. As you can see, the shortcut for that is a Then you can click selection boxes, and even if it just touches this election, it will. I get part of the selection so you can select things and then ultimately bring the move tool so you can move it around and and so forth. Also another thing in the design area, you can. If you have something selected, you can double click it and then we'll give you more options now, As you can see, we've got rotate here and skewing. Then if you double click again, we have We can kind of set the like, Let's say I'll make a quick rectangle here then basically, what happens will give us those options. So let's do it from the beginning so you can obviously scale your things and rotate them. You can also set an origin point around. What does it rotate? It was quite handy then. Obviously, we've got the skewing like all these things will cover more in depth, but just to give you over. And then we've got these little And also you can kind of around the, um, the edges and stuff the overall scale. According. So, like I mentioned in your in your design tour, you can also double click items and we'll give you different options. Then, Uh, yeah, so basically, on your design, you can obviously use a combination of shortcuts while you're working. So like control, plus your mouth wheel consuming. Just your mouse. Well, you can actually pan then, uh, yeah. So, like I said, just, uh, there is a lot that can happen in your design area. But a lot of these things you will still have to learn first, like, shortcut keys. And so, but in general, you can double click, right click things, and you can set up constraints or margins under the design central, also the size of the actual design. So if you're gonna be working on a three or a four so far, uh, most of your work will be happening here in the design area. And then, um, we've always actually, or two bars just to make your workflow smooth. But yeah, that is it on the design area if we go here to Uh, like I mentioned earlier in the intro where we have a variety of different Softwares who to cover. Also, we do upload videos daily. So if you guys are looking for any new content, um or rather should I say if you look at a specific content, you can just go into the search area. Otherwise, we don't find what you're looking for. You can also go request a training video, and then we'll make that for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and juice