SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Changing the Order of Colors (Part 11) Color Mixer Video Mini-Series
flexistarter change colour order
How to go about changing the color order of your swatch tables for ease of access within FlexiSTARTER 19?
This is a great feature if you want to maintain and manage the layout of those Swatches. It also helps when you want to move the colors together that you use more often.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Change Color with Mixer.
Previous video covered Merging Similar Colors.
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Video Transcript
are you guys in today's video of Flexi Starter? We're gonna be looking at changing the colour quarter of your swatch type. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Yeah, so today's video can be found on hat Seattle Today we make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we have daily updates. Otherwise, back in the programme here now, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on working with colour and switch tables. So in today's video, like I mentioned, we're gonna be looking at how to rearrange the colours on your switch tape. It's rather simple. So let me zoom in here. So now, obviously, in order to do this, you're gonna need your swatch table open. If it's not, you can always navigate here to your standard toolbar, and then we've got this little swatch table there next to the magnifying glass with red paint drop. So if you click that if it's not there, it should bring it now to change the order. Let's say, for instance, you're using certain colours a lot. You want them and your first in your list, then what you always do is you just hover on it. The left click Hold your mouse button in and then you can drag, and then when you leave it, it will add the colour. Obviously, you can do this with multiple colours. And like I said, this is nice. If you, for this current project gonna be using certain colours, you can always just really drag it like that to rearrange. It's also another option which we can do, and that is to select from preset, uh, layout. You can say so. This we can do for RGB and so forth, so like coloured types. And so, in order to do that, we'll just right click anywhere you're on the swatch table and then we want to never get up till we find sort and the sort we can get sort by name RGB HSB vendor type and pot. So where to click this? You will see the whole order of the such stable changed. So you can play around with that, see what works best for you. But for me personally, I prefer the default and then just rearranging it so that the colours are used mostly as in the beginning. Otherwise that is it on genuine order of colours in your swatch table. We had year to Seattle. Today guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and also you're able to isolate your search on the top of right. Just simply click the type of what you're looking for and then hit the magnifying glass button. Otherwise, if you stolen, find what you're looking for, you can always go to request a training video and fill in the mini form. And then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys for watching and cheers.