SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Align Objects to the Design Area (Part 2) Align Tool Video Mini-Series
flexistarter align objects to area
Aligning Objects and shapes to the page or design area, helps when rearranging the layout of objects within the page.
A great way to view to different align options, is in the terms of Local and Global space. Local effects everything that is selected within the selected space, and Global effects everything that is selected within the page.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered Align to Objects.
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Video Transcript
mhm. Hey, guys, In today's video flexes Starter, we're gonna be looking at aligning objects to the design area or the page. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, uh, so today's video can be found on z. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we have daily updates. Otherwise, back in the programme here now, just a reminder. There's a miniseries on aligning objects. We've already covered aligning objects to other objects, and today we're gonna be looking at lining it to the design area. Now, you know, let's just rearrange these things so we can kind of have a better indication of what's happening. Yes, I know the ABC should be another whatever at the moment, but what's your cap? So, uh, to located, obviously make sure you have the objects selected that you wanna line. There can be only one, or it can be everything on the page now, Okay, we're gonna select these three demo letters, and then, um, unfortunately, this one will not work with right leg. So if you followed along with the previous tutorial under a line will only have for the aligned objects. So to align to a page, your design area, we're gonna have to go to your main menu on top range, and then we navigate or we find a line and then you'll see here we've got quite a few different options. So then, um, we also do have shocker keys for it, so if you want to get used to that, Okay, so first of all, we've got a line to left of page. I'm not gonna go through all of these as you can imagine, you know, self explanatory. I'll just demo like, once I talk to. So now, as you can see, it takes it going to, uh, the most furthest left of the selected shapes. So it's not gonna throw all our shapes right against the edge here. That is getting more things like that. When you're doing a line object so you can always go right. Click, align. We've got objects and then you go budgies lined to left and then you can go. If you want to do it this way, you can go to a range. Then we go to a line and then we go on the page to left. You can have all of them perfectly on the left, so just keep that in mind. It does not group them or customers individuals. If you haven't selected. Mm. Then obviously we have the next one. We have years. We've got a line you're lying to write, which we're not gonna cover. I'm itch a top age of page bottom, edge of page. And then we've got a horizontal centre page and then our original centre. And then if you want your design perfectly in the centre, you can also do that. So then, um yeah. So it's pretty much, you can say in many ways exactly the same as aligning to objects at this whole do it to the page. And the main difference is you don't have to keep so much in mind about which layers lowest like in objects, but rather which object in your selection is furthest left of us. Right? So if we're going to write, it's gonna hit the B left, see topsy, bottom B and then centre. Obviously, I'll be the eight more or less than so. That is something to keep in mind your line into your design or page. So This is great if you've got a logo or something. And you wanted exactly at the spot or something on that lot. Otherwise, that concludes a little mini series on aligning objects. If we had year to You guys don't notice. We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And also, you can isolate your search here on the top of right. If you do not, however, find what you're looking for. You always got your request, a training video, and then, yeah, we'll make that for you anyways. Thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.