SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Exporting the Resampled BMP (Part 3) Working with Bitmaps Mini-Series
flexistarter export resampled bitmap
Once we are done with the importing and resampling, we would want to export the newly resampled image.
The process of saving the image by exporting it is rather simple, but it is quite important what you set the option to in the final export.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered Resampling a Bitmap.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, in today's video flexi starter, we're gonna be looking at exporting our re sampled. But But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm, yeah. So today's video can be found on We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back in the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder. This is a very serious on working with maps. Now, we'll leave relevant links and description so you guys can actually follow along. Now when it comes to this bit map we've just re sampled, um, we would like to export it. So now, in order to do that first, make sure your select your bit map. So it is when we set the one option and they'll know what to choose. Then we're gonna do is go to our main menu, click on file, and then we never get to find export. Simply just click that then, from the options here, navigate to where you want to export to then select the format I'm gonna keep just put mine on windows, but map and then by default this will be the kind of set up your beer having so you'll have suppressed options and selection only off. So what I wanna do is suppressed options. I'm gonna remove that so it doesn't compress it and then selection only so otherwise it's gonna export your entire design area. Anything on it? It's gonna export. Then obviously you name it what you want. I'll call mine re sample and they you simply click safe. Now if I had to open it, it's giving you all my other desktop. So now you can see we have the new re sampled bit map. So this will be 200 by 300 pixels and as you can see, it's very small. Now, if we zoom in, you might notice that the programme actually better in the programme, then in the programme then in this viewing programme. Now the reason why that will happen is that most programmes or image viewing programmes, they put a smoothing order smoothing on the pixels. So if this was just normal pixels, we will probably see more quality. So now it is trying to smooth pixels between each other. So that's where we're getting this very blurred image, but yeah. So otherwise, that is how you go about exporting re sampled images so simple. Just make sure you keep select only or the select only option enabled. Otherwise, Mm. Like I mentioned is gonna be exporting your entire document. So otherwise, if we go here to not see others that you guys will notice. We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And also you can isolate the search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the video you're looking for. You can always go here, request the training video. Then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.