SAi FlexiSTARTER Navigate Through Objects with Tab (Part 3) Selecting Objects Mini-Series
flexistarter selecting navigate objects
If you are a computer user familiar with navigation through items using the Tab key, then you will be right at home.
Even though this is quite a feature to get used to, once you get the hang of things you will quickly find yourself navigating selections with speed.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers the Select Similar Objects feature.
Previous video covered the Select Within.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, in today's video flexi starter, we're gonna be looking at selecting objects with a tap. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm. So today's video can be found on Got See, uh, we make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we have daily updates the way back to the programme. Now, just reminder. This is a miniseries on selecting objects, so I will leave every 11 links in the description so you guys can actually follow along now. We've already covered the basic selection tool. Now we're gonna be looking at how quickly navigate between shapes using tab. Just something to remember. In order for this to work, you need to have your selection too abled, which is here on your mind Tube. As you can see, the shortcut for that is a So now let's say we've got a shape selected. Now, what you can do is you. If you just, uh, press tab on your keyboard, it will automatically navigates through shapes for you. So if you don't have too many shapes, you can just go through it like this or if there's a hard shape to select you can always use your tap. If you do get comfortable with this, it can, uh, speed up your workflow. But it is something to get used to. I must. Then if you wanna selecting the opposite direction, let's say by asking over selected, then you can just keep shifting with tab go back or if you navigating between two obvious, you can always just do that. Also, keep in mind that you can never go through everything that's on your canvas. Using tab was shift tab. So yeah, it's a rather simple way to go, uh, silicon things. And, um yeah, that is it. Otherwise, if we head here to uh, we have a variety of different Softwares will cover, and also we have a nice little search box. If you want to isolate your search, just I don't know what you're looking forward. It's a little magnifying glass, and then it will try and find it for you. But if it doesn't find the video and there's no result, you can always go here to request a training video. Then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers