SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Specific Offset Distance (Part 3) Duplicating Objects Mini-Series
flexistarter duplicate with distance
From the different ways of duplicating objects and shapes, this is perhaps one of the more advance ways.
But with that being said, once it is setup the process becomes rather fast and simple to use. This is also a great feature for making patterns with shapes.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Using Paste Special.
Previous video covered Duplicates with Copy and Paste.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video flexes start, we're gonna be looking at when duplicating objects how to set a specific offset distance. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on hat Sarah we make sure and easy to watch the problem solving videos and we have daily updates. Otherwise we go back to the programme here. Now, just a reminder. This is a mini serious on duplicating objects and today we're gonna be looking at how to set the offset distance so automatically have a certain amount of said you've done you copy and paste. I will also leave links and relevant links in the description so you guys can follow along as we have already covered a few different methods of duplicating objects. So now today's, uh, section we're gonna be have to ensure that they were going to just set the setting or enable it. So in order to do that, you want to go on top, you to edit, they want to go to the bottom preferences and under the tabs here, we want to go to the last one tools they want to navigate down until we find paste. You know, I might have gone past that already. Well speaking, there we go paste, and then we want to put the order place on paste and import. So keep in mind this or before importing as well. Now we've got the X offset horizontally and wife or vertically. So let's say we put maybe this one to a negative one, and then I will keep this one at one, so we'll click. Okay? Yeah. Now, if we copy something or let's just quickly make us shape here, and if we copy it Well, I'm gonna just use control C control V shortcut. Otherwise, you can use on your standard to buy your copy and paste. It's a very control C in a press control V to automatically copy it one inch to the right as we said it and one inch down. If I press control V again, they will just repeat that pattern. So this is a nice way. If you want to make a kind of a form of pattern or so forth, you can use a bunch now also, uh, quick way to get to the same settings. You can just double click the paste icon. You're on your standard. To what? Then? If we double click that, it will give us here that same thing. So now we can either switch it off if you are now, copy and paste to work the same as it normally does. Or if you wanna just So let's say that was fine. But we actually wanted zero. Maybe about 2 to 3 offsets too. It's okay, just a little one. So they copy and paste. Now it will have to offset. So then, like you can see, you can now make custom shapes and so forth with this form of duplicated. But in my case, I'm just gonna switch that little setting off and then remove those duplicates. So once again, just a quick recap. Obviously, under your edit preferences, you can go to tools and then you locate or you find pasting. Switch on. There, you simply double click your paste option and enable it there. But keep in mind, it will give you the best option. So just escape. You don't want to make a copy or based off that item. Otherwise, we hate you too today you guys will notice. We do have a variety of different Softwares we cover. And also you can't isolate your search on top here, the search bar. If you do not find what you're looking for, However, you can also go to request a training video. And then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.