Understanding the Standard Text Tool within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 1)

flexiprint standard text tool
When it comes to the Text Tool within FlexiPRINT, most of the setting are pretty standard with the first option.
Things however gets a bit more different when we start to look at the next two on the list.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Arc Text.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at Lexi Print standard text tool and this will be found within the text to feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. co dot Z A. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we head back into the programme here. Now, we've kind of briefly covered the text tool before, but now we're gonna go into a little bit more depth. So if I go here on our secondary toolbar on the left, you will see we have this text tool. And if I click on all that button, we have three different options Now, the standard one is the first one. So this is your classic, uh, sorry text tool that you might be used to. So I'm just gonna use this as our first demonstration, so I'm gonna type something. Let's make it a am.co dot Z A the sponsor of this video scale, this one up so nicely fits it. So let's just say we had to do like a mock type logo design. I'm gonna use this font tool as our actual base. So now, first of all, if I go back to our text tool, you don't have to be. If you're just here, you can find all the text options. But if you wanna do some fine tuning, then the text tool is very handy. So I'm gonna go back to it. So now, first of all, we have our font, which is over here you can click the drop down menu and keep in mind with all of these, most of them will affect what is selected, especially if you're in your text tool. So if I want to change only one element, I can always go to this one. Change it and you'll see Now we have two different fonts there. But for the sake of this tutorial, I'm just gonna keep it one font. And then, um, this one looks pretty nice. I think it was slightly down and zoom in rather a bit, so we're nicely within the design. OK, so then if I go back to my text tool now, the next one we have here is the font type, so that will be like if it's bold. All of that And that will also depend on your actual, uh, font selected. Whether it has it or not, the current one I chose does not have it. But this is where we'll be setting that, then under that, we have our actual font size. So I'm just gonna grab this a here, select just the a and then scale this one up. Let's make it, uh, quite a bit bigger. Maybe about there, Zoom out a bit, OK? And then the next one, we've got a font with this, I'm gonna leave at 100 but this you can actually set your actual, uh, letters with you know what? Let's for the fun of it. Just set this up a little bit. Maybe I want 20. And then after that, we've got slanting or character slant. If you want, you could do a form of italic. So even though this font doesn't have italic, I could go here and adjust the slant and give it a bit of a italic there. But I'm gonna keep this at Standard and some of these settings, as you see on the far right, we have extra settings. This one and the one here at the bottom with the actual slant. What we can do is we can flip the entire font on its side. And so But, uh, I'm just gonna leave this standard. And then after that, we've got our tracking, So this will pretty much be the spacing between the characters have to decrease this. You will see they come closer, they sort of hugging each other or make it bigger. They space out this one as well. I'll just leave it standard. So you at least know what it does. And after that, we've got a vertical offset, which is handy. So let's say we are doing a form of logo design our grabs a just a. Then I will set the actual, um, character offset to a negative. I zoom in, as you can see. So instead of going to a positive value, I'm gonna decrease this. I think I can adjust this if I want to. It can nicely fit there in the centre. I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make this later a bit more narrow, but make it taller so we can nicely fit this. If this had to be like a logo design. This will be ideal. Move this to the bottom and then we get maybe something in this line, then under that, we have our actual line spacing. So if we have multiple words, we can adjust that with this one, which I will show you shortly. OK, so now what I can do is let's say we go to make another line here, and then I'm just gonna paste in achievement matters to matter, but so we can see the whole thing. It's fit to, uh, zoom to all objects. Grab that. And then I'm gonna scale that down, not up and down. So it was about a big Ali with away from that side. Then what I'm gonna do every year, we could, uh, this space this out till we kind of find it to the right place. I'm just gonna scale this slightly down again. I want to kind of line up with the top one. Then what I can do is now with this bottom setting, which we could not set or it's not settable at the moment. It's on automatic. We can click on that little arrow and we go specify Now we can choose the exact distance between two lines. So now what I can do is I can decrease this one. So we nice and snugly fitted in there keep our white space equal. And if we want, we could adjust this letter and so forth. Now, as you can see there just with the standard text tool you know, you can do quite a lot. We can now if we want it. And you assume that we can now change this font if we want maybe make everything capital and so forth. So it's a very handy text tool. You can make a lot of, uh, cool designs with it just simply in the text to but yeah, otherwise in the meanwhile, before we head to the next features. If we go here to softwaretraining.co.za. co dot Z a, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search here on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go Yeah, request the training video, fill in the mini form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers