Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at P 29 from our flat parts. This will be for the intermediate ones, but before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on z. We make sure it's easy to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates otherwise went back to the programme here now. Yeah, with P 29 this is gonna be another one of our intermediate shaped like I mentioned our parts and as you guys can see, the list is coming along quite 12. So now for this part, if we go to flat parts, go to P 29 you will notice it almost looks a bit like a mini cottage Or, you know, when you just started drawing in kindergarden. This is kind of the house you're building anything missing? Perhaps there's a chimney or a door and a window. So yeah, this is always a very comforting shape for me. When I see it, it reminds me of like a nice, stormy day with your little cottage house, but yeah, in any case, so now when it comes to the shape. We only have three shapes. So this is kind of like the basic intermediate you can say shape, so it does not have full. And then if you just zoom in this little preview, you can see which ones we have. So if you've got a which will be the width of this little shape for the house, then we've got B, which is the height of it, and then see which you can say it's a side wall of the actual rectangle area. So I'm gonna fill in a few, so it's got a I'm gonna make this 200 then be 300 then we go, maybe about 1 50. So it is kind of I wanna go. Actually, a bit less go about one twin, give it quite a steep Rua roof, and then, um, yeah, I'm gonna leave the actual what? I call it a name to be 29. So okay, and then we can see Yeah, we've got one with quite a nice, steep low roof. Here. There's a manual quantity one at, uh, the shape to our canvas. Now this shape is pretty straightforward. Nothing too special. Oxen these shapes where you have to obviously watch out if you sit with some values bigger than others. This one, um it has the same, but I mean, it's quite simple to follow your not easily gonna actually make it too big. Where with this one, you can imagine, uh, as you can remember the square over here. You can easily set too big for the ages, but yeah, that is it on p 29. If we head here to You guys will notice We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search. You on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to South Africa. Yeah, request the training video filling in uniform. And then we'll do our basically and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys. For watching and to 12:48:062024-08-23 23:19:02FabriCAM Software P29 Intermediate Flat Part (Part 15) Step by Step Video Tutorial