How to go about Installing and Licensing the Correct Alludo CorelDraw Software (Part 3)
coreldraw install licensing
Next up on our list from this mini-series on the Alludo CorelDraw, we will be looking at Installing the Software.
When it comes to the installation part of CorelDraw, the process is pretty standard but with a few options to choose from.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Corel Support.
Previous video covered CorelDraw Download.
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Video Transcript
Hi there, guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at installing coral Draw. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now, if we head back into the tutorial, Yeah. So now, like I mentioned in the intro, we're gonna be looking at installing coral draw, and I'll obviously be doing this on windows. So in case you are following along, but yeah. So now what has happened in the previous video? We looked at a way to download it, so I've downloaded mine over here. I've got the coral draw Essentials 2024 complete package. And, uh, cause this is for the licencing I've got. So, depending on the licencing you're going for, make sure you've got the correct or relevant package. Now, first things we wanna do is take this. If you've downloaded the zip file like I did, right, click, and then I'm gonna say extract all so one of our options here, I'm gonna click that and then just say extract it should extract it to the same folder. Otherwise, you can just navigate on top gear to a relevant folder where you want to extract your installation, uh, set up to. So I'm gonna say extract. And then this might take a little while, depending on your computer and that. So I'm gonna pause here and unpause once this is done. OK, so now, once my file is done, I'm gonna stop that refresh we can see here. We've got a new folder next to our ZIP file, and that is our actual installation, uh, folder. Now, when I'm saying installation, this is more like a setup, so this is not installed yet. We still have to run this. So, what you wanna do inside this folder? You can see there's a little icon called Set Up. I'm gonna double click that one, and then it's gonna ask me if I wanna run it. You guys can't see this, I think. But I'm gonna say yes to run the actual set up, and then this will start our actual installation. Then, uh, you can see it's giving us some information. Your operating system Best service package, critical update. So, uh, it wants me to update my windows, but I'm just going to leave this as is and hope for the best. This is so what I want to do is I'm going to click, continue. And then over here it's gonna ask us for some information. So this is where we're gonna add the information that we had before. So or should I say, for the licencing you've bought? Then you're gonna type in this over here so I can actually provide you with the correct, um, like a installation. OK, now what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna quickly fill this in click next. And, uh but I'm just gonna pause a video. Obviously, I don't quite want to give that information out on a public, uh, video, but, uh, i'll be back shortly, OK, I've filled in my information. I click next. This is what we will be getting now. And, uh, I would say use the top one. The typical installation. This will be just placing everything at the correct places with the default settings. If you know what you're doing or if you've done this before, you can always go to custom installation. Perhaps you wanna install it onto another hard drive or something on that line, but for in most cases at least, uh, for me, I'm gonna go typical installation. And that's what I recommend as well. I'm gonna click this and then we're gonna wait. This is gonna be installing the programme. So, uh, once again, I'm just gonna pause. And if any messages pop up, then we will carry on from there. OK, Now the actual installation is done. This is the licence agreement. So I'd recommend go through this and then you can just see what you're agreeing to. And once you get to the bottom, you will see the agree becomes available. But before that, it would, uh, it is not available. Then, once you're happy with that, you can just click, agree. But you might also have noticed it opened a URL while installing or just about when it was done. And it gave you this nice little site here that went obviously to coral draw and then gave you an option to learn more. So over here, if you can learn more, it's gonna open up another site. But keep in mind this, like I mentioned here at the bottom, is for the full version of the graphics suite. So if you're running essentials and some of the things might not be relevant or work with yours and, uh so just keep that in mind. But this is a nice place where you can now go find more resources to learn coral draw. Which, uh, obviously there's already so much out there. We just currently covering the actual licencing side. But yeah. Then, uh, once again with Carl Draw, I'm gonna say agree. And then, uh, it's gonna give us this option to sign in, which we will be covering in another video, but yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, though, if we head here to co dot Z a you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go here, request the training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just